The investigation

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"Thank you for picking me up," Angel said, rubbing the sheet white cast around her now broken arm.

Brooklyn gave a smile, shoving his hands in his pockets as they made their way to his car. "It's no problem," he said. He stopped in front of his car and tapped it. "You know what's weird?" He suddenly asked, his jaw set.

Angel stopped and looked up at him with a frown. "What?" She asked.

Brooklyn sighed and tapped the car again. "My car brakes were cut," he said with a frown.

Angel's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped. "What?" She blurted, outraged. "You mean, someone did this? On purpose?"

Brooklyn stared at her for a minute before shaking his head, making the slight breeze whips his dark hair. "No," he said, starring at the car. "It can't be. Who would want us to crash, Angel?" He asked, slightly agitated.

Angel sighed heavily before throwing herself down on the nearby steps to the hospital and put her head in her hands.

After a moment of silence, Brooklyn walked over and sat down next to her. "You know how lucky you were?" He said, staring in front of him. "Since you were the one who got hit by the tree in the car, you weren't supposed to come out with only a broken arm, but since you were so wasted, your body was so flexible." He looked over at her and she lifted up her head.

"But why would someone cut the brakes?" She asked, desperate and confused and stared back down at the ground.

There was an ear splitting silence before Angel took a deep breath. "I need to find out what happened that night," she whispered, staring at her hands.

Brooklyn turned his head towards her, squinting through the sun. "How?" He asked.

Angel shook her head and rested it on her fist. "Have you ever wondered why she drove away from the party?" She suddenly asked, biting her lip.

"She was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing," Brooklyn said quietly.

Angel shook her head once again and put her hands in her lap as a doctor pushed a patient in a wheelchair past the two of them. "She might've had something to drink, but she wouldn't be that stupid."

Brooklyn licked his lips and got up, brushing his hands off his pants and holding a hand out for Angel. "Come on, let's get you home," he said and Angel took his hand with her free arm. "And I already picked up your car."

The two of them opened the car doors and Angel smiled to herself as she jumped into it. "Thanks," she said, rubbing her cast again.

They drove a few minutes in silence, staring out their windows when Angel just couldn't take it any more. "How's Edwin?" She asked, leaning her head on her fist.

Brooklyn took a turn to the middle of the City and they were faced with traffic. "He's fine," he said and looked over at her before looking back at traffic. "He's got a new girlfriend now. Quite a smart one."

Angel smiled over at him. "What's he now, like seventeen?" She asked.

Brooklyn nodded his head. "That's right," he said, straight faced.

Angel's smile faded and she looked down at the ground, upset that he's not making much of an effort. "My brother's in Rome at the moment," she said, trying to full the silence.

Brooklyn nodded his head again. "Still in the traveling business?" He asked when the car started moving again.

Angel put one leg over the other. "That's right. Like always."

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