The thinking

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"I told you," Angel whispered, laying on the couch and biting her nails. "Dahlia warned me."

Brooklyn jumped up and started pacing, a look of deep concentration on his face. "Who would do it?" He asked.

Angel threw up her hands. "I really don't kno -" she shut her mouth, trailing away.

"Look at Cathy," Dahlia said. She gestured to the bench Cathy was sitting on, biting on her chocolate bar and giving a fowl look in their direction. Angel frowned and shook her head. "Can't she just mind her own business," she scoffed and redid her ponytail. Dahlia pursed her lips. "Why does she even hate us so much?" Angel asked. Dahlia stayed silent for a moment before clearing her throat. "She's probably just jealous."

"Angel?" Brooklyn asked and Angel looked back up at him, her mouth slightly open.

"Cathy Braxton," Angel breathed.

Brooklyn frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. Angel only just realized that he had a business suit on with the buttons on top undone and his tie swaying loosely. His jacket lay on the couch. "What about her?"

Angel got up and made her way towards him. She swallowed. "Cathy always hated us for some reason," Angel said.

Brooklyn frowned once again and sat down on a counter chair. "Are you sure?"

"Oh I'm sure," Angel scoffed. "She made it clear through high school."

"Well, she's in France at the moment, visiting family," Brooklyn said, sighing.

Angel frowned and folded her arms, she lifted a brow and stared at him. "And how do you know?"

Brooklyn shrugged and looked down. "We dated," he answered.

Angel's eyes grew wide and her arms dropped to her side. "Since when?" She asked, outraged.

"Since the end of my matric year," he said, frowning at her. "She was nice."

"It's an act," Angel said bitterly. "So why did you brake up?"

Brooklyn sighed again. "She said I have too much baggage," he answered flatly. "But she wouldn't kill anyone, Angel," he said firmly.

Angel paced backwards, biting her fingernails again. "How would you know?" She started. "Cathy seemed ready to push Dahlia into a river."

"How did this person even do it, huh?" Brooklyn asked. "How did he make it look like an accident?"

Angel's mouth dropped and she whipped herself towards Brooklyn. "The car brakes!" She exclaimed and Brooklyn looked bewildered. "She cut it and made it look like an accident." Angel suddenly gasped. "And then she tried doing it with our car!"

"Angel," Brooklyn started, trying to stay calm.

"Think about it!" Angel interrupted him. "It makes sense! The same person already tried to kill us!"

"You're making serious accusations here, Angel," Brooklyn said, holding his hands out. "You can't assume it's Cathy. Besides, she's been in France since last month."

"How sure are you about that?" Angel asked.

"I uh I um...why would she lie!" He said. "It just doesn't make sense," he said frustrated.

"A lot of things just don't make sense," Angel said. "There's many things my memory has blocked out and not just of that night, but of things before that as well."

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