Chapter 10

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Oh God why am I so hot?!

Oh wait. That sounds conceited . . . obviously I mean that I 'feel' hot; as in temperature wise of course.

I frowned in discomfort as I opened my eyes, glaring in frustration at my alarm clock.

I have to get up. Bella's picking me up in an hour!!

I hurriedly jumped out of bed and raced over to my closet, stumbling over my own feet as they got tangled in my sheets. I pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans before running into the bathroom to get ready. I quickly brushed my teeth and did my business before getting into the shower.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I grabbed my black hoodie and tugged it on over my strangely large shirt, frowning as realisation hit me.

It's Paul's shirt . . .

Paul and I used to sleep over at each other's house all the time so I left a bag of my clothes at his and he left a bag at mine so we always had something to change into when we stayed over at each other's houses.

I heard a car pull up into the driveway and sighed, knowing it was too late to change. I picked up my phone and wallet and tucked them into my pockets. My phone in the front pocket of my grey skinny jeans and my wallet in the pocket of my hoodie. I ran down the stairs, not bothering to get breakfast as I rushed out of the door, almost tripping over the untied laces of my high tops.

Eh I'll just tie them once I get into Bella's truck.

I giggled sheepishly as I stumbled towards Bella's rusty orange truck. I smiled over at her as I climbed in and pulled her into a quick hug, relieved when she returned it with the same eagerness as myself.

"I'm so glad to see you again" I chirped, pulling my seatbelt on while she started driving.

"Glad to see you too" She smiled, giving me a sideways glance as she drove towards the diner near her house.

I was very young when Bella left. We hung out when she came over for holidays but it wasn't the same. Once we got a little older, Bella would video chat me and we'd talk over email. It was so strange because I hardly ever saw her. But she was a good friend so I stayed in contact with her even though it felt weird. And I'm glad that I did because now she's actually here and I'm very happy.

We pulled up in front of the diner and jumped out at the same time and headed inside.

We quickly sat down at a table in the far corner of the room, patiently waiting for a waitress to come and take our order.

I've been to the diner many times, so many times that I've memorised the menu already.

A waitress strolled up to our table, smiling politely as she asked us what we wanted. Bella and I smiled back and told the waitress our order before starting a conversation with each other.

"So what have I missed?"

And so I proceeded to tell her everything that had happened since we last spoke. Everything. Even what happened with the boys.

I can tell she was shocked when I told her but I'm glad she hadn't given me pitied looks. I know I would have gotten angry if she had. I don't need sympathy from people, especially not from my own friend.

"So how's it going with Jacob?" I teased, winking at the blushing brunette in front of me.

"There's nothing going on between us Cait" She answered shyly, taking a small bite of her steak.

It's clear she doesn't want to delve into the topic of romance, it has always been an awkward subject for her to talk about and although I want to talk to her about it, I have to respect her privacy. If she wants to tell me then she can. I'm not forcing her.

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