Chapter 19

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(Paul's POV)

Yesterday was one of the most horrible days of my life. The look on Cait's face when I talked to her the way I did? It was heart wrenching. I hope she didn't mean it when she said that she hates me. I wouldn't be able to live with that.

"Oops" I heard someone giggle, my reaction at the beautiful sound alerting me that it was obviously my imprint.

I jogged down the stairs to see Cait leaning against the front door with a big smile on her face and a dazed look in her eyes.

Is she- is she drunk?!

"Pauly! Come on let's party!" She laughed, spreading her arms out for a hug.

Ok she's definitely drunk.

"What is wrong with you Cait? Why the fuck would you get drunk?!" I scolded, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her up bridal style.

I carried her into the living room and sat her down on the couch, hearing her giggle the whole time.

"I'm not drunk!" She pouted, her voice drawing the attention of the other guys who had -by the sounds of things- just stepped into the kitchen.

"What's this I hear about being drunk?" Jared asked walking into the room with Jake, Embry and Seth.

Jared's eyes were narrowed at me though it was clear he was amused by the giggling mess sat on the couch before me.

"JJ!" Cait cheered, waving her brother over to sit by her.

Her unusual friendliness with us may have been down to the fact that she was drunk, but we would enjoy it while it lasted. She would be back to hating us soon enough.

"Yeah Cait?" Jared laughed, allowing his little sister to lean her head on his shoulder before she spoke.

"Your new name will be Unillanda"

"What?" I laughed, holding my stomach at her serious expression.

"Hey! Don't laugh! Your new name is Yolanda!" She pointed at me, sticking out her tongue childishly before falling into another round of giggles.

"She's so drunk" Jacob sighed, shaking his head worriedly while Seth watched Cait with amusement.

Seth being the weirdo he is, had his phone in his hand and seemed to be filming Cait in her drunken state.

She'll be so mad at him if she sees that video after she's sober . . .



"Why did you cut your long hair? You could have had dreadlocks dummy!" Cait cheered, her eyes wide with unrestrained excitement that I couldn't help but awe at.

She looks so cute and innocent. She looks . . . Happy.

"She is so out of it oh God" Jacob sighed, face palming as we all watched him questioningly.

"Hey Caitlyn? Who gave you alcohol?" Jared asked, sounding strangely calm. For now anyway.

"I dunno bout alcohol but Em gave me laughter medicine" She answered giddily, smiling cheekily at me as Jared and Jacob echoed her words.

"Em? As in Embry?"

"Laughter medicine?!" Jacob sounded appalled that someone had given her alcohol through such means.

She's never drank alcohol in her life, she must not have even realised there was anything wrong with what she drank. She probably assumed the strong smell was due to the fact that it was 'medicine'.

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