Chapter 6

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"Urgh" I groaned sleepily as my eyes fluttered open.

I sighed in irritation at the realisation of having to go to school on a Saturday.

Yesterday I fell asleep during English first period and unfortunately for me, the teacher saw me and gave me extra homework and a saturday detention to catch up on the presentation I slept through. How lovely for me eh?

I looked down at myself confused as I felt a shiver run through my body. The sheets had been pushed to the bottom of the bed at some point in the night and the temperature had gone back to usual. I shivered from the slight chill and rolled my eyes at the unpredictable weather. I looked around my room, trying to find any sign to show that Paul had been inside but came up empty. It was as if nothing happened last night.

Jared's usual loud snoring wasn't echoing across the house.

Usually, due to the thin walls I can hear it all the way in my room but not today. Jared always snores louder than a fucking chainsaw! What's happened today?

I hopped out of my comfy bed and sleepily trudged over to my walk in closet, lazily pulling open the door. I pulled out the first pair of jeans I saw as well as a random t-shirt and a hoodie. Unaware of what I had chosen to wear, I walked over to the bathroom. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed at how messy and curly it felt. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that I could shower and sort out my messy hair.

After I finished my morning routine I walked out of my bathroom, relieved to feel the cool air of my bedroom instead of the hot steam from my shower. I thankfully picked an outfit that looked good but I still frowned at myself in my full body mirror, displeased with myself.

I'm ugly. My hair is just plain and brown. It's not even straight or properly curly, most of the time it's just wavy. It's never as big or well managed as any other girl's hair.

I'm not that tall either. I feel like a midget and it bugs me. I can never look intimidating to my bullies because I look short. I'm barely 5ft 4 and even though that's normal for a girl, it's still short next to most boys. I can't intimidate boys or threaten them and be taken seriously because they think I'm so short and could never do them any damage. And sadly, most of the time they're right . . .

My eyes, though I love the colour, I can't help but hate that I have it for my eyes. Purple is my absolute favourite colour ever and I love it. I do. But it's unusual to have as an eye colour and I hate that. I hate that I'm a freak. I'm not normal. My eye colour is just one of the reasons why people tease me and I hate it!

My clothes are simple. I look like a tomboy. My clothes though fitted for a girl's body, are unflattering on me. I pick plain shirts and jeans, I don't go for girly, cute clothes because I don't have the confidence to wear something so bold. I haven't got enough confidence to wear something that would get me noticed because I'd rather just try to blend in and be invisible. Basically I look like I've never even heard of such a thing as fashion let alone read one. Some people have said I look nice in these type of clothes, and that they look good on me. They said that I look cute even though I'm not trying. But they are the same people that have now left me. I can't trust anything they've ever said to me. I know Paul and Jared helped me yesterday night. They saved me and took care of me but who knows? They might go back to being jerks today. I still don't understand why they helped me. But I'm glad they did, whether they did it with good intentions or bad, I'm grateful that they saved me. But I'm not telling them that. After everything else they've done, this isn't nearly enough for me to warm up to them. I'm still cautious of them . . .

I straightened out my plain red t-shirt, which was mostly covered by my old black hoodie and searched for a pair of shoes. I pulled on a pair of black and white trainers and picked up my phone from my bedside table, checking the time before tucking it into the pocket of my light grey skinny jeans. I pulled on a black shoulder bag and shoved my homework into it before racing out of the room without checking if Jared was around. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, smiling in astonishment at how clean the house was.

Hmm. I guess the guys cleaned everything up last night. I'm surprised they even know how to clean anything let alone a whole house.

I unknowingly walked in during the boys' conversation and almost turned back around before they saw me, but of course being my stupid self, I continued what I was doing and walked over to the cabinet by the sink. I pulled out a granola bar for breakfast then turned back around to leave.

"Cait" Jared called as I walked past him.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why he was starting a conversation with me.

What could he wanna talk to me about? And why did he use my nickname? They have no right to call me that anymore!

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking down at my bag in confusion.

"School" I answered bluntly, wanting the conversation to finish quickly.

"It's Saturday" Embry blurted out in amusement, as he and the boys smirked at me.

I mentally rolled my eyes at their smugness.

They're looking at me as if I'm stupid. Duh I know it's Saturday!

"I know. I'm not stupid. I have Saturday detention" I answered smartly.

That'll teach them to get smug with me!

"What did you do?" Paul asked, looking amused by the fact that I got a detention.

What? Just because I'm a nerd, I can't get in trouble?!

I looked at him, almost swooning at how hot he looked. His tight white t-shirt showed off his bulging muscles and outlined the six pack he was hiding underneath. His hair was messy yet perfect as usual. I couldn't see past his waist because he was sat down but I could tell he was probably wearing shorts. I rolled my eyes when I looked over at Jared's amused smirk. I scrunched up my eyebrows, confused at his and Embry's matching plain grey shirts but looked back at Paul to answer his question.

"I fell asleep in English yesterday morning" I begrudgingly told him, prepared for the laughter that followed.

"Wow. What a rebel you are" He teased, laughing loudly at my expense.


I bet he fell asleep in English too but he never gets in trouble. All the teachers are scared of angering the hot head and so ignore his behaviour. I mean they tell the others off but never Paul. Paul is terrifying when he's mad. So I guess I can't really blame them; but it's just so unfair that he can get away with loads of stuff when I can't even get away with falling asleep in class!

"Is that all you wanted to say?" I said turning to Jared, ignoring Paul's amused expression.

Embry sat quietly watching me along with Jared, while Paul slowly stopped laughing just as Jared spoke up.

"I wanted to tell you that just because we helped you yesterday, doesn't mean we're on good terms. We only did that cuz there were a lot of people here and the news would spread. We didn't wanna risk Uncle Billy finding out that we didn't help his favourite niece" He said harshly, looking at me with disgust.

I knew it. I just knew it! This is why I don't trust them. I knew they must have had a motive for what they did last night and I was right. They were just trying to stay in Uncle Billy's good books. Fucking butt kissers!

"I understand" I whispered and made a bee-line for the door, walking out of the kitchen before they could see how nuch their words hurt me.

My heart clenched at his words and I fought back the tears as I ran out of the door, quietly nibbling on my granola bar to get rid of the lump in my throat and push down the sobs that threatened to leave my lips.

It hurts worse every time they say stuff like this. Each time they do it, my heart breaks a little more and I can't help but curse myself for still caring. I love them so much yet they don't love me even a little.

They hate me so much that the only reason they saved me from practically getting raped was because they're scared of my uncle! That makes me feel so loved. Note the sarcasm.

I groaned mentally as I prepared myself for a day of detention.

God help me . . .

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