Chapter 20

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Warning: There will be self harm in this chapter, I'll put a note before it but I just thought you guys should know in advance (just in case)

"Urrgh" I moaned painfully, waking up to a killer headache, a weight across my body and a muscular chest pressed against my back.

I'm not stupid enough to believe something happened though, I mean sure I was a little out of it before but not so much that I can't even remember what happened. Though the realization of having Paul sleeping beside me, was terrifying nonetheless.

I do remember what he said yesterday though. He called Sam a wolf. A wolf! That means I was right. They are werewolves... Oh wow. It feels good to be right. I guess it all makes sense now. Why they suddenly disappeared for weeks and then came back looking like they'd taken a truck load of Anabolic steroids... why they're always running off into the woods at random times, why they're always following Sam around? He must be the Alpha. I mean if anyone, I would've expected it to be Jacob but who knows what happened there.

But this just strengthens my fear towards them now. I mean they are more dangerous than any other buff teenage boys. They're a lot stronger. Which means they can cause a lot more damage! And honestly, I don't want to antagonize them in any way. They could lose control and hurt me.

Maybe being right isn't always so great...


A sleepy voice mumbled into my ear, my body tensing as Paul unwrapped himself from me, quietly getting up and leaving the room before I could even think to do anything.

Well, at least he's gone right?

I slowly looked over at the clock on my bedside table, sighing in relief when I noticed it was barely even 6am.

Eh, might as well get up now. Don't wanna be late for English. I can't afford to get a detention tonight, I have to go see Bella and the Cullens. And slap some sense into Bella and Edward. They're both such idiots I swear.

I lazily pulled out a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a black tanktop and a red, blue and white checkered button up shirt from my drawers, as well as my bra and underwear. Duh.

I carried the clothes into the bathroom with me, doing what I needed to before hurriedly drying my hair and tying it up into a high ponytail.

Oh wow would you look at that, my hair dried straight for once. Today might just be my lucky day.

I grabbed a black backpack, shoving all my school stuff into it, before taking my phone and and quietly descending the stairs. Though I don't know why I bothered, the boys are werewolves, they have great hearing. They probably heard me anyway...

Well that much was proven as I stepped onto the landing, turning to leave the house when Jared's voice echoed through from the kitchen.

"Caitlyn can you come in here a sec?"

I mentally groaned in irritation. What could he possibly want with me right now?!

I trudged into the kitchen, almost glaring at the 3 other boys who were stood there staring at me along with my brainless brother.

"What is it?"

"Where are you going so early? School doesn't start for another 30 odd minutes or something" Jared spoke, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the sink behind him.

"I woke up early so I decided to go to school earlier. Can't hurt to be on time for a change"

"Is that really the only reason?"

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