Chapter 2: escape?

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Xia' s POV:


I give a hissy sigh and lean my head down in iritation.'It's been five months that I have been imprisoned... in this wretched machine.' I think to myself giving off a low snarl. I turn my head up as I hear the door in the next room or better known as the observitory opens and two human males saunter in. Both males have white suites on and reek of chemicals. The taller one I know is in charge as I always see and hear him shouting orders to the others. He also gives of a stronger scent that proves his rank among the other humans, the other one must be his assistant ."So Specimen Six, you have had time to grow, and grown you have." He looks at my snarling form that struggles against the machine trying to rip him apart. The damned human just smirks. "As much as i would love to stay for this procedure, i have business elsewhere. Do behave now Six, ill be seeing you later." The taller one glances to the other human but before he leaves he casts another of his sickening smirks in my direction making me hiss and bare my teeth.

Two humans that work on the computers nod to the assistant and he enters my prison. He walks in and comes to a stop right in front of me...or so i wished. He stood a bit away so could'nt bite and maul him like i wanted too. "Now we will be testing your intelligence to see how you've grown mentally. Six please follow my finger" He holds out his hand in the air and points with his one finger. I follow his finger up,down,left and right to try acting submissive so he would lower his guard. "Well done Six, maybe Wayland was right about you." He grins excitedly while noting down information. He turns around and walks out back to the Observatory and types something in the computer "Lets test your reactions and skills against people huh?" Suddenly the machine that was holding me let go and I jumped out stretching my limbs letting out a hiss of satisfaction. It felt so good to be able to crawl around freely."Bring in the test subject." I hear him shout over the intercom. I smell something coming and jump up onto the roof where i curl up and till my prey to comes.

A Human comes walking in and looks around. His scent...he is not dangerous...I grin best a xenomorph can 'Easy prey' I muse to myself. I get ready into a striking position with my tail twitching to strike. I give quick swipes and jabs to his back and legs toying with him as he screams in terror. I love the smell of fear humans give delicious~ After playing a bit i grabbed him from behind by his shoulders and pushed my sharp tail in to his chest killing him painfully but instantly. " I crouch over the body and stab my smaller mouth into his head and eat 'Hmm..' I hiss in contentment from the taste. "How sadistic...wonderful...Bring in an armed test subject!."I straighten my spine when I sensed another human coming but his scent is stronger which means he was definitely dangerous. I jumped up again onto the ceiling and broke all the lights letting me camouflage in the darkness ." Fascinating! Its like it know the darkness is its ally" the scientist mutters to himself.

The dangerous man came and stopped at the door seemingly not wanting to go in but the android so graciously showed him in with a gun to the head "What the hell?! Fuckers...hmm?Am i here to fix the lights?" He stammers after seeing the darkened room but gets no answer. I crawl till behind him, keeping my breathing low and steady, and jump on his back successfully knocking him down onto his stomach causing his weapon to slide across the cold floor. He sits up dazed but tries to reach or his gun but I attack quickly with stabs to his arms giving no chance for him to grab it. I grab him by his head and lift him up from the floor.He screams into my claws as he tries to kick me with his dangling legs. I bring his head to the level of mine and just stare...the human quiets down while he sobs, i hiss in his face baring my teeth but before he can scream again i push my smaller mouth through his eye into his head...Yum~

"Gracefully done Six, i think that will be all for today" The human known as Groves says while noting down more information. Suddenly a loud screech echos through out my my mind and my queen's orders to escape rings through out my head. I stand tall and screech into the air in response to her orders. The humans flinch in surprise "The Matriarch" The man whispers. My head swerves around as i find the door still open and i crawl through quickly, in the hallway i notice a vent and jump through into it with haste. "Trying to escape now are we Six? Im afraid not, GAS IT!". I screech trying to escape banging against the vent that closed behind be in desperation but the gas gets to me and i fall into the welcoming arms of darkness.

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