Chapter 5: Bonding

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Xia's POV

I lean back slightly, in a daydream like state i breathe in slowly enjoin some peace and quite. I was waiting, waiting for the little ones to come forth. My queen asked of me to watch these two seeing as we had already bonded. I look over at the two bodies contain the embryos, the dead facehuggers laying next to them having fallen off when the egg was planted.  Soon their eyes open, looking around disoriented only to land on my laid back form watching them. The jump up trying to get as far away from me as possible, looking for any possible exit only to see me sitting in front of the only door. The one started gurgling, spitting out blood as he held his stomach with the other following soon after, falling to their knees their lean back screaming as the chestburster well..burst out.

Blood splatters on the wall and floor as small yet squeaky screeches fill the air. I lean my head forward in slight interest of the new ones. Their snake like bodies wiggle and struggle till they get free from their fleshy cage and slither forward towards me in an excited haste once they saw me leaving a bloody trail in their wake. I stand up from my sirring posistion into a crouch leaning down towards them as they stop infront of me squeeling and hissing like chicks to their mother bird. My long hiss silences them "Welcome little ones" My mind invades theirs and they squeel back in greeting, not yet fully devopled enough to speak yet. The one burster seems slightly larger then the other making me presume the smaller one will probably be a runner or lurker while the bigger will a warrior type. 

I grin lazily at them, finally seeing the little ones growing. I stretch my one clawed hand down letting them slither up one at a time, on their way up to my back i give them affectionate hugs, and me being not a very affectionate xeno, this surprises me even. My grin stretches "I will protect you with my life young ones, for we are bonded" My voice carries through only their minds as they get themselves secured on my tubes. "Lets go get you food my little ones" With their squeaks of agreement i set off into the tunnels leading to a good hunting spot known as the Jungle.

One hour later

'Aww the little ones are so cute and bloody having their first kill~!' I purr softly as they gorged themselves on an unsuspecting soldier who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their skin already seems to be whitening , almost ready to fully develop into a xenomorph! My clawed fingers rub over their heads as they ate filling their stomachs for the change to come. Soon enough they scurry off into the bushes, finding a good place to start and molt then form into their new bodies leaving me alone to my thoughts.

About half an hour later my head turns to the sound of footsteps coming my way. I scent test the air only to find the scent of the new ones. The push through the bushes playfully pushing and fighting each other testing their new bodies out. My guesses where proved right as i looked them both over while they wrestled. The big one was for now a drone, but soon he would become a soldier then maybe warrior, she also had a dark green sheen you could barely see. The smaller one was definitively runner material, small, fast and very sharp claws and a tail, she had a more blue like sheen covering her body. At least they were more distinguishable. All xeno's have a small thing about their body that can set them apart, these two had their sheens.

Their tumbling came to an end when the landed at my feet, looking up only to see my amused form above them. They jump on me, taking me off guard for a sec though not moving my body an inch with their assault. My head tilts at their movements, their heads rubbing against me making my scent cover theirs. Low purrs come from them before i push them off. 

'Mother~' My spine straightens ones again at their words 'Mother huh?' They would be killed for disloyalty towards their true mother, the queen if she ever found out..."I am not your mother youngings, out queen is" My voice is stern, having a slight warning to it. They stop looking up at me, seeming to study me. "No..You are our saved us..cared for us..we follow you" Their voices stay in sinc, though you can hear the Lurker have a more soft voice in contrast to the more rough voice of the Soldier. It brought strange joy to me, my breath fogs as i huff slightly throwing the emotion away. Emotions are for the weak who fall easily but...I study them one more time before heading off further into the jungle, them following like the loyal young ones they are,my loyal young ones.

And no one will take what is mine from me...not even the Queen

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