Chapter 4: Playtime

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(Facehugger in picture)

Time skip of 2 months

Location: Somewhere in the underground base.

Xia's POV:

Mumbling was heard, i tried to ignore it and sleep further but it got louder. I growl lowly and uncurl from my spot in a broken vent. I climb out standing up to my full height stretching all my limbs and opening my maw big stretching my smaller mouth out in a yawn. I crouch back down as i see two of the facehuggers at my feet climbing up onto my back. Me and the little ones somehow bonded when i rescued them from some humans. The voices got louder making me curl my lip up in anger from being awakened 'at such an early time of noon as well.'

Once the little one was secured i crawled through another vent into a tunnel system where the voices originated from. "C'mon guys, let's just get this over with and afterwards we can grab a cold one aye?" a Deep male voice is heard trying to encourage the fellow soldiers. I peek my head just a bit out from the vent's end and see 3 soldiers walking the opposite way from me. A female and two males. 'This will be about a game~?'  I slinked out quickly and darted towards them quietly on the ceiling till i was a few feet away from them. I look around and see a few more vents, some water, chains, metal rods...what a fun playground.

I breathe in deeply, their scents giving me their location. Focusing on the nearest female, hissing lowly so only she hears making her  jump clutching her rifle near her , the woman breathed in before starting to head my way. I reverse myself back into some chains making them conceal me , even with my albino color i am an excellent hider. She walks by my location slowly. My teeth poke out from the chains, breathing a foggy breath onto her neck, i could practical see her hairs stand on end from fright as she tensed. She jumps around ...her brows ceased in a confused manner. She looks around seeing nothing at all...She glances at the chains and i make them rattle softly for a bit of dramatic effect. Her gulp was audibly heard as she pressed forward, her gun muzzle pressing  through the chains...

Third POV:

As the female soldier pushed the chains aside, she saw nothing and released a relieved breath. She walks in further only to get entangled by the damned chains, how she didn't know. Not seeing the xenomorph making the chains entangle with its tail, she kept struggling only to stop when she came face to face with sharp teeth dripping with a bit of drool. The soldier cringed smelling the foul odor of death coming from its mouth as it breathed into her face. Her eyes trail over the xeno as she shakes in fear coming to a stop where the eyes should have been for this humongous creature. Her lips tremble, the xeno moves closer almost seeming to hold a grin on its lips. Her silenced scream wasnt heard by the others...

"Delia? Where the hell did ya go?" The male of the group walked over the the direction she was last seen only to find nothing but an empty corridor and some tinkling chains. He sniffed the air, the smell he knew all to well. A metallic smell of iron filled his nostrils and hr became fill alert. He followed the smell of blood only to gag and turn away from the gruesome sight of his friends body parts strung up like Christmas lights through out the chains. He knew of only two creatures that would do this, a predator or a xeno. Though xenomorphs tended to leave their meal mostly intact...this one was proving to be quite different. He walked closer , finding the head of his friends with a chain going through her mouth , the hole through her forehead only proved his thought on a xeno correct. "Oh so sorry" He mumbled a quick prayer to  her and walked with haste back to where his other solider in arms was waiting. He hoped she was still there as anyways.

A splash and a strangled yelp was heard echoing throughout the tunnel. The remaining female was clawing at the ground, trying to find a stable item or part to grab onto so she could pull herself from being dragged into the water by the sharp clawed hand that had grabbed her ankle. "God dammit heeeelp!!" She screamed in hope her friends would hear here but to no avail. The claws dug into the flesh of her leg and she screamed once more in agony. Her hands fumbled around ill finally she grabbed a metal rod lying around and turned hitting the creature over the head with a deafening thump. She whimpered feeling some of the acidic blood splat on her and quickly tried to rub it of with water. She scurried back till she she was back on the platform and looked over to see the floating body of a xenomroph...The thing was huge! Her ragged breathes where all that was heard till she heard footsteps coming her way. She pointed her gun in panic at the source only wail in relief at the sight of her friend. She hugged him in a panic when he came close enough. "Amber what...shit!" He looked over his friends shaking shoulder and saw the body of the xenomorph in the water. "What the hell happend here?" He questioned her sternly. "I-I was walking d-down there w-when the thing grabbed me and pulled! I was so scared Joshua" She cried out in panicked blubbering. He hugged her again pulling her close before releasing. "Unfortunately Delia ...didn't make it." He whispered to Amber. Her breath hitched but she nodded slowly trying not to break down again.


"Oof, fuckin' hell. Amber watch out!!" Joshua screamed at his friend when he was thrown away from her by a force. He saw the Xeno grab Amber from behind holding her body and head in place making her stare at him. H e tried getting up only to hiss in pain..he looked down seeing a a metal rod sticking through his stomach. He was stuck on the rod to a wall. He looked back up to the sound of whimpering, he saw the xeno tilting its head, letting more acidic blood from its wound drip on Amber's exposed neck and shoulder. The xeno help her still, still making them see each other...The xeno was making them watch each other die "YOU SICK FUCK!" He wheezed spitting blood out. The xenomorph only seemed to grin back at his pained scream filled with disgust. The white monster's claws slowly trailed down to Amber's neck, till right at her jugular, her and his eyes widened "NO!" Amber gurgled falling to her knees as her hands desperately tried to stop the bleeding from her slit throat.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks joining her blood. Her hand reached out to him as she mouthed 'I love you' and her body fell limp to the ground in the puddle of blood with a splat. "AMBER!!! NOOOO!" He broke down in a crying and wheezing fit, trying to get of the rod and to his dead beloved. "I love you too..." He sagged in defeat crying in pain from both the loss of Amber and the pain of the rod. The xeno slinked up to him, walking on two legs once she got close to him. The albino Breathed deeply, the stench o fear and blood making her spine tingle.  Joshua looked up the the Xenomorph, eyes dull almost lifeless. "Please..just kill me you bastard." He rasped out in pained defeat. The xeno let out a soft purr of satisfaction. Her claws trailed under his chin, lifting his head up, he stared up into the maw of death, her tongue blasted through his frail skull into her treat, his final breath making it all the more delicious.

Xia's POV:

'Ah so many fun times today~ Idiotic humans.' I thought hanging upside down above an unsuspecting soldier. He was oblivious to all the death from his fellow comrades in the big room. My tail quickly coiled around him , dragging up up and slicing through his chest into his heart before he could scream . Dropping his body i turned listening for more heartbeats, there were only two left, and by their scents they were unarmed. The tubes on my back rattled in excitement as i climbed forward to their location. They where both workers 'electricians i believe' They where muttering to each other under their breaths, looking around nervously for any signs of xenos. 'The must of heard the scream from one of the previous soldiers ' I just couldn't help myself, their screams are just hilarious. There was only one light left standing, their only source of seeing me. I quickly tipped it over , crawling around to them hearing their nervous yelps of fear. "W-hat was that?" They questioned each other. I stopped behind them, my foggy breath on their backs made them freeze and turn around. "God have mercy..." The brown haired worker whispered, their head tilted up to see my towering form looking down at them . 

 The Black haired laborer pushed the other one into me and ran for it towards the doors locking it behind him. The one left behind had fallen right into my arm, my claws holding his shoulders as he kept his eyes shut in fear. I grabbed his head , feeling a movement on my back going to my shoulder, the familiar tips almost resembling the human fingers crawled forward latching onto the awaiting sacrifice and securing its tail around the throat. I let the body fall onto its back on the ground, stalking my way over to the door which help the next prey.

I pushed my head against the door listening to his heartbeat, i slammed my tail on the door making it rattle causing the worker to scream in fear. My claws pushed in between the door and my muscles worked to pry the door open. It gave way under my pressured strength showing the man holding a gun to his head. Before he could shoot himself i threw myself on him hearing a bang from the gun as he missed. His struggles and wails where amusing but i had to finish this up . Letting the other facehugger latch onto the human i turned, heading out to find my next prey.

To be continued....:3

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