Chapter 1: Day of birth

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Grove's POV:

Location: unkown planet.

"There we go" My gravely voice echos throughout the cold room as I walk around the medical beds and strap down the last two hosts for the embryos. I check the containers my fingers pressing and prodding atvthe glass and steel of the containers to make sure they're steady and secure above the men's slow rising and falling chests . I walk out the consealment doors and hear the hissing sound as they close securely behind me. I stop in the observatory and stand infront of the viewing mirror watching as the heavily armed androids deliver the facehuggers. I hummed and narrowed my eyes in slight intruige as one facehugger was strangely pale compared to normal ones almost white plus it was also quite bigger. "Specimen Six and Seven are ready" the androids informed me in their static deep voices that sound like multipile people speaking together cut me from my thoughts. "Begin the transplant." I ordered them my voice full of hidden excitement. My eyes crincle as i smile watching as the facehuggers latch onto the screaming men making my smile turn into a grin showing the pleasure i was taking from their demise. "Now all we have to do is wait." I said to no one in pecurliar and walked out to check on the other specimens, a slight skip in my step.

Time skip

'They should be ready to pop out any second' My lips twitch up from my thoughts while walking to the viewing chamber. I stop once more infront of the wide mirror and lean on the panels with my elbows as i wait for the reaction from the slowly awaking man. His eyes fluttering before poping open when he notices his...predicament. He looks around confused before his eyes meet the other prisoner's dead face with a gaping hole in his chest and fresh blood trailing down his body. I hold in a chuckle that almost escapes when the panic sets in. He starts sputtering and making choking sounds as he twitches and turns in his straps from the pain. A red blotch starts forming on his shirt and he screams as the breaking and popping of bones can be heard from the speaker. The man's chest starts to bulge and stretch as the embryo tries to break free from its fleshy prison. 'Come on little one, so close' My body leans foward in anticipation almost ontobthe mirror.


The flesh and skin gives way as the completely white Chestburster tears its way out through the man's chest cavity making the him give one final scream in excrutiating pain before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he dies. My eyes go wide at the color of the burster. It was white all over, no tint of normal black or dark grey color that the usual specimens have was to be seen. "How intresting..." I mutter as The embroy screeches, trying to break free form the containers that was keeping it from escaping. "Go and extract the chestburster now." I told the workers and went to get Weyland and inform him of this truly great discovery.

Third POV:

As the workers extract specimen seven they failed to notice that a certain white specimen was crawling and squirming its way back into the wound it burst from in its birth. When the workers whent to extract said alien they noticed that there was no alien to be seen, only the hole it came forth from. They flinch as they see the dead man's stomach bulge and move all the way up to the mans throat where it stopped. The workers approached the once again still body slowly. They stopped and loomed over the body looking uncertain, their shaking hands reached foward to the wound and neck but was interupted by The albino that burst out of the mans mouth with blood splatter and screeches following. The workers jumped back in surprise and scrambled to the big viewing mirror and began to screaming and pounding on the window just as the head and second in command came into the viewing chamber.

Groves immediately went to press the emergency botton to kill the specimens before they could escape and cause havoc or chaos. The workers screamed and begged at him to not press it but he did not listen and they slowly slid down the glass and wall as they choked and gagged before dying from the gas infiltraiting their lungs. The Chestbursters screeched and wailed in pain but before the aliens could be killed Weyland stopped him by grabbing the second in command's hand in his strong grip, making the man hiss at the pain "Stop! I like this one...put it up for the program". Wayland walked off , his arms behind his back in a strict like manner.His thought preoccupied with the unique alien. The specimen was taken and a number six was burned upon its head much to the pain and annoyance of the white alien. The alien's head raised high and screeched with heavy pain as the burn marks steamed on its head with a single number glowing bright in the middle of it. It was put in a machine that was made to hold an alien till the day it grew into a full fledge xenomorph.


'That burster was very crafty and mostlikely will be very intellegent. Though what strikes me the most was that it was white, its definitly a great prize for this organization' . I grin at the thought as i listen the the growls of the albino...

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