The dream

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Agatha looked up into Tedros' dreamy, confused eyes. He slowly wrapped his arms around Agatha and slowly smiled. " so the rumours are true." He wispered into her small, delicate ear while caressing her cheek. Her neck seared a vibrant colour of red. Tedros lifted Agathas tiny chin and stared hopelessly into her chocolate brown eyes. They closed their eye lids and then their faces collided together like stars. It was a gentle, warming kiss but it lasted for what seemed like forever. Tedros sighed as they parted. " i shouldn't have raised my voice " he said calmly while playing with a strand of her black hair. " i woke you up "  Agatha smiled kindly " Tedros im glad you did " she said with a hint of sadness in her quite, reassuring voice. " you should go back to sleep " he said gently while wrapping his arms around her waist. She nodded sleepily and signaled the guards to get back on watch. She began to tuck Tedros to her room but stopped when she saw him shaking his head vigorously.  She frowned " what? " she questioned, quite disappointed.  " we need our own rooms " he sighed " its not like we are going to do anything " she giggled helplessly.  He sighed and gave in. 

They cuddled together tightly.  " this feels wrong Agatha " he wispered quitely.  " i know but we are at the age now where we can sleep in the same bed. Anyways i don't want that option, so get it out of you head. " she furrowed.  Tedros smiled" your right " he said and drifted of into nights soft arms. Agatha kissed his cheek and soon she followed Tedros in to night's  arms.

 Agatha dreamt of Sophie, she was running as fast as she could. Stumbling over gigantic obstacles.  Something was chasing Sophie. Agatha soon came into view in her dream. She was also running from this strange anonymous creature. It was a dark, blurry shadow and it had claws made from the demon its self. Agatha and Sophie began to cry for help, but nobody came and the monster was about to devour them  both when Agatha woke up, completely drenched in sweat. She looked down at Tedros and smiled. It was just a awful, no good, terrible dream.  A nemesis dream she began to wonder. Agatha untangled herself from Tedros' arms and walked towards the bathroom. She looked in the mirror to see a dark shadow behind her. Just as she was about to scream the shadow all of a sudden dissappeared into thin air.

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