Tears and tears

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The school master sat at his desk with multiple types of emotions. Another knock came at the door again. The school master huffed wildly " yes! " he called out angrily. The old door creaked open with a squeak again. " im here to tell you one of our famous vilians has passed away tragically. " a lady wispered and curtesys while saying so. The school masters face lit up to a vibrant and deadly red. " HOW!? WHO?! WHEN!?! WHERE?! WHY?!? " he boomed with complete discust. The lady lowered her head, not wanting to look at him. " i..it  happened earlier master! It was the big bad wolf from he fairytale, red riding hood. He was killed by magic and then was burnt. The place that this disaster toke place was in a kingdom master! It spreading like wild fire! The rumours i mean. They say the raven haired princess killed him, and when she did look vicious.  " she cried dramatically.  The school master was about to blow " and what about this raven haired princess!? Whats her name? And by any chance was she with a golden hair prince " the school master said furiously while raising his eyebrows.  The lady shook her head " no she was not with a prince master, not as far as i have heard at least. And if i remember rightly... i think her name is... oh what was it again... ou yes the raven haired princess is called Agatha. " she said stupidly while having her finger to her mouth. The school masters eye went a flame. " Agatha!  But! " he pushed the lady to the floor as her went out of the room. He stormed out of the evil castle with rage and flew up to the sky high tower. 

He landed in the tower with an " umpf " he glared dangerously around the tower, scanning for sophie. He saw hunched over a book, she was smiling gleefully.  He sighed happily.  He then walked over to the book Sophie was hunched over." What have you got ther... " his voice trailed of with disbelief.  Sophie turned and gasped, her smile was now a nervous, scared smile. The school master stared at the book. It was showing a picture of Agatha defeating the wolf with a blinding glow of gold.  The school master growled.  " why did you take this of the desk?! " he said, trying to keep his cool. " i saw Aggie! And i was soooo happy that she is aliv... "she realised she shouldn't have said anything. The school master picked up the book delicately and transferred it back to the desk, where it originally sat. He growled " shes going to pay for this masive mistake that she  has just made ." Sophie stared hopelessly " you can't hert her! " she cried sadness taking over now. He just snarled at jump out of the window " RAFAL!!!!! " Sophie yelled with vengeance.  But he was long gone now, he couldn't even hear her painful cries. She sat there and stared at the book that Rafal just placed back in its original space. Millions of tears came and as much as she tried to stop 

( the title is called " tears and tears " by the way )

The school for good and evil 3 remakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن