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Agatha gasped, completely bewildered.  She stared at her blinding finger then her eyes drifted over toTedros' glowing finger. " it...its open! " Agatha screeched.  Tedros got up and started walking to the door he held out his hand " may we start our journey my lady?" Agatha raised her eyebrows " id rarther go alone. " Agatha mumbled. " what was that? " Tedros asked looking irritated.  Agatha lowered her head. " nothing " she murmured. Agatha slowly toke his hand and they walked out the house and into the woods. 

Within two hours of walking through the woods Agatha began to cry but Tedros didn't even notice, instead he was playing with his hair. And then  after another two hours of walking Agatha and Tedros had separated. 

Agatha looked up eventually and noticed that Tedros wasn't next to her anymore she gasped and shouted his name over and over again untill her throat was hurting. A single tear slipped down her check " Tedros " she wispered without even knowing she said it. A crack that sounded like a twig breaking woke Agatha up from her sadness. She swiveled around and stepped back. " wha...what are you?! " Agatha asked in disbelief.  " A very hungry wolf. " he growled with a hint of danger in his voice. Agatha turned around and shouted for Tedros. The wolf pounced and Agatha screamed feeling his deadly claws grip onto her. She mumbled and mumbled as he kept his hand over her mouth. he laughed with joy like a mad women would. " i wonder if the school master would like a dainty princess by his side. " he grouched. Agatha cried and cried as the wolf toke Agatha of to the school master. 

Tedros turned around hearing his name being shouted repeatedly.  " Agatha did you hear that?! " she asked nervously.  He turned to where Agatha was standing. " Agatha? " no response only the shouts of his name in the distance. Only then did he realise that he got seperated from her. He gasped and followed into the direction he heard his name being called from... it stopped. He waited for ten minutes waiting for his name to be called againa and just as he turned around and started to head back to where he was going, he heard his name again but this time it was loud and clear, it was Agatha voice. He could hear the strugle in her voice. She sprinted rapidly towards the sound. A scream echoed loud. Tedros stopped . " Agatha? " Tedros yelled.  " where are you?! " but she didnt respond. He lost all hope, he gave up. Tedros ran through the forest trying to find a person to help but he had no idea where he was. He was lost and scared. He just wanted his perfect,smart and talented princessback in his protective arms. " Agatha, i miss you... " he said with a sudden sadness. " i love you.."

The school for good and evil 3 remakeWhere stories live. Discover now