27. lukes love

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I'm trying to stockpile updates for update day. I never write in order so i'm missing a few chapters which i am working hard on. Hope you enjoy. Comment and vote, I reply to comments and follow voters.

I sigh walking into my room. Kayli had argued me leaving for over two hours until i finally told her i was leaving and that was final. It was decided that she would come down with Axel when i'm with kota and nathan. That is two weeks from tomorrow.

Axel and owen had talked and had decided we would fly out tomorrow afternoon on a night flight since it was a long flight. I was just glad it didn't have a connecting. Tomorrow it's just owen victor and i flying out then the boys will come after about a week due to a job they have hear. It's a information gathering job so i'm not worried.

"Want jammies?" Luke asks and i shake my head.

"Too tired. Need sleep." I mumble falling into bed. My hand goes to my tummy and i imagine what it's going to be like when i have a little baby moving around inside. I feel like tug off my jeans and giggle when he grunts t the difficulty.

"I love your new style but skirts were easier to get off love." He whispers and i let out a weak laugh and lift my arms at his prodding so he can tug my shirt off. Once it's off i settle back down and touch my tummy again.

"I love you little person." Luke whispers and leans down to kiss my belly bringing tears to my eyes.

"It's all happened so fast i hate that i don't know where everyone stands." I whisper and watch as he pulls off his pants and shirt with ease.

"I can tell you." He says climbing into the bed and laying behind me.

"Yea?" I ask lifting my head. I feel his hands slip onto my belly and his breath against my neck before i feel his body press against mine.

"We all love you with every piece of our hearts. When you left it destroyed us." He said and i winced, "it brought us closer. We all fought for you and we did it together i have never seen this family more together. You didn't destroy us like everyone said you would you created the best academy team ever. We didn't break down we worked up. We worked hard to be amazing, like you we wanted you to see how amazing we were when you came back into our lives. We improved our skills and picked up more. We worked our way up in the academy. We did it for you not in spite of you. Same as you. We love you with every fiber of our beings and it will never change. We don't love you as individuals we love you as one. And we love this baby as one. It doesn't matter who made it it's all of ours. We are going to make an amazing family one day." He whispered.

"Sleep baby dream of our family." He said kissing my forehead and snuggling me into him.

This was just a filler/ intro to the next chapter that's kind of exciding. 

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