Chapter 9

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Hey everybody. Sorry for the wait on this one. It's been to weeks but I've been really busy. Oh, and in case you haven't guessed (I realised it would be pretty hard to) I'm a gay guy. I'm not a chick. Just so you know.


Felix's P.O.V

Felix was happy. He was very happy. He had gotten rid of Marzia for good. He was with the man he loved. nothing could ruin his day. They had shared a sweet moment this morning. They had now finished dressing and they had eaten a simple breakfast. Now they were thinking of what they could do today.

Then Felix had an idea. "Hey Ryan, why don't we go to the park!" "That's a great idea Felix!" So they went into Felix's room so he could grab his stuff. Ryan followed, and picked up his mask, then Felix interrupted him. "Please don't." Ryan looked at Felix, then at his mask. He sighed, and put it down. Felix smiled, and took Ryan's hand. "It'll be fine. You're beautiful." Felix looked into Ryan's eyes, then leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.

They made their way into Ryan's room and got his things and he put on his oversized jacket. They moved outside. there was white shining snow everywhere. Felix saw Ryan shiver. He wrapped his arm around Ryan's shoulder and Ryan smiled.

*skip to le park*

They arrived at the park and just walked around, appreciating the beauty of the snow covering the ground and coating the trees. And then, Ryan saw a playground. "Omg! Felix! Push me on the swing!" Ryan said, excited like a child. Felix sighed. "Fine." Ryan jumped up and down excitedly. They walked to the playground and Ryan sat down on one of the swings. Felix got behind him and started to push gently. "Felix, push me higher!" Felix started to push harder and Ryan giggled childishly.

Felix laughed at his excitement. "Why are you so excited?" Felix asked. Ryan stopped swinging. "Well, I haven't been to a park in a while. When I was a kid, my parents never took me there." Ryan replied. "Why not?" Seeing the way Ryan suddenly went quiet, he regretted asking. "Nevermind." He turned the swing around so that Ryan was facing him. "All that matters is, we're here now." Felix smiled and leaned in and kissed Ryan passionately.

Ryan's P.O.V

Ryan stood up off the swing and pulled Felix in close. Their lips parted and they just held each other. Ryan put his forehead against Felix's and stared into his eyes. "I love you Felix." he said quietly, smiling lovingly. "I love you too Ryan." Felix said, smiling back. They pulled away from each other, and started walking, to nowhere in particular, holding hands.

"Wanna go get a coffee?" Felix asked. "Yea, I could go for a coffee." Ryan replied. "Let me take you somewhere special." Felix said.

*le time skip*

They had walked from the park to a cafè that Felix told Ryan he used to go to with his mother. They entered and sat at a table. Ryan could smell the freshly ground coffee. "It smells wonderful in here!" Ryan exclaimed. "Yea, the coffee is great." Felix replied. A waitress came and took their orders. They sat and talked while they waited.

"Ryan." "Yes Felix?" "I want you to meet my mother." Ryan went quiet. Then he said, "How do you think she'll take the news?" Felix looked
puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Well, I'm not exactly a chick. How do you think she'll react?" Felix thought about this. "I don't know. We'll have to see. If you're ok with it." "Well, I guess I could do it."

Felix smiled. Ryan smiled back. Ryan loved Felix's smile. It was the most beautiful thing in the world to him. He loved this man. Finally, their drinks arrived. they quickly drank them and left.

As they were walking back to Felix's place, Ryan thought he saw someone familiar pass them in the street. He quickly forgot about it and he and Felix continued on their way home.


Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring. I'm planning big things to happen in the next few chapters so stick with me. I'm impressed with how many reads we've got! And two votes! That's honestly much more than I expected to get. Thanks all you guys. Ill see all of you soon. Love you guys.

Cloud out.

Fear of the Dark - A pewdiecry fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن