Chapter 4

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Hello everyone. Chapter 4 is here. There was a delay writing this because I was banned from all computers. So yea, here we go please enjoy.


Cry's P.O.V

Cry was lying on his bed in his room in Pewdie's house. Pewdie was lying next to him, staring at the roof. Cry thought about what he had just done. He hadn't really thought about it at the moment it happened, he was just, overwhelmed by sudden strong feelings.

He looked over at the man next to him, and Pewdie looked back. "I'm gonna... Go... Get something to eat." Pewdie said quietly. "O-ok" Cry replied. Pewdie quietly got up and left the room. As soon as Pewdie had closed the door behind him, Cry took off his mask and slapped himself.

"How could I be so fucking stupid!" He whisper/shouted to himself. He traced the long scar running down face with his finger. "Felix would never love me..." He whispered solemnly. A tear welled up in his eye, but he quickly wiped it away, before it could fall.

He tried to stop others that came down, but he couldn't, and he began silently sobbing as memories of his abusive parents came back to him.

Pewds's P.O.V

I lay there, on the bed, staring at the roof. Pewdie was thinking about what had just happened. Cry had kissed him, and he had kissed back. He felt Cry's eyes on him, and turned his head to look back. Even though Pewdie couldn't see Cry's face, he could pretty much guess where his eyes would be. They were both silent.

After a bit more silence, Pewdie got up and said, "I'm gonna... Go... Get something to eat." "O-ok" Cry replied. Pewdie walked to the door and left the room. As he walked to the kitchen, he heard Cry whisper harshly to himself. Pewdie shook his head slightly. He shouldn't be mad at himself, Pewdie thought. He shook his head again. He hadn't realised that he had made it to the kitchen.

He got out some bread and butter and made a plain butter sandwich. He hadn't realised how hungry he had been. When was the last time I ate? He silently asked himself. He remembered eating a two days ago, just before Marzia had left him. He stopped just there, and wiped that memory from his mind. He finished his sandwich and went and sat in the loungeroom. He picked up the remote and turned on the T.V. He flicked through the channels. There was Nothing good on. "Oh well." He murmered. and turned the T.V off. He heard a door open, and a couple of minutes later, Cry walked into the room. 

Cry's P.O.V 

When Cry finally stopped sobbing, he decided to get up and go see Felix. He slowly got up, put his mask on and opened the door. He walked out into the hall and at last got a good look around. Pewdie's place was quite luxurious. He walked out into the lounge room and was surprised at just how luxurious it was. There was a large fire place, burning brightly with a comfortable warmth. The T.V was pretty big as well, at least 40 inches. 

The lounge looked pretty expensive as well. And spread out on the lounge, was Pewdie. When Pewdie saw Cry, he shuffled over and made room for him. Cry walked to the couch and sat down. They were quite, until Cry spoke. "Pewds, about before-" Pewdie cut him off by saying, "I told you not to worry about it." After Pewdie said that, they were both silent. They sat awkwardly for a couple of minutes, until Pewdie broke the tension.

"Cry, I kinda enjoyed what happened before..." Cry turned his head to look at the blonde. "R-really?" Cry questioned, struggling to believe it. "Yeah." Pewdie said more confidently. They sat there looking at each other. Cry slowly moved his hand towards Pewdie's, and took hold of his hand. Cry smiled, and Pewdie smiled back. 


Thank you for reading. I hope the story is getting a bit more interesting. I will update again soon. Cloud out :)

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