Fear of the Dark - A pewdiecry fanfic

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Hello friend. I'm writing this little authors note up here after I have written Chapter 12, like time travel. I would like to thank you in advance for reading this book, you don't know how much it means to me that you gave seen my little book and decided to read it. I would like to tell you that I hope you stick with this book. Read it to the end. The chapters might be short at first, and I'm sorry if the writing in the first few chapters (maybe even more than a few) is horrible, I progressively get better I like to think. I know that some of the bad writing might be a turn of to some, but even if you don't read it fully (which I recommend you do, chapter 12 is particularly good) I want you to know I'm grateful to you for clicking on my book. Please, enjoy.


Pewd's P.O.V

Pewdie was in his bedroom on his computer making a new Amnesia video. He screamed at all the jump scares and made crude jokes. He heard a knock at his bedroom door. He pressed the pause button and stopped recording and called "who is it?". "It's me, Marzia" she replied a bit quiter than usual. Pewdie didn't notice.

"Come in" he said cheerily. She walked slowly in and sat down on Felix' bed. "We need to talk." She said solemnly. Pewdie was slightly concerned at the tone of her voice. "What is it? Is everything ok?" He said quietly. "Felix, I think we need to stop seeing each other." She said so fast that Felix could barely make out what she had said. "W-what?" He stuttered, shocked.

"I am tired of you spending more time with your games than with me." Pewdie was about to interrupt, but Marzia continued. "I feel like you don't care about me anymore!" "But, but Marzia," "No Felix! I'm leaving! You can just, go of and play your games! Spend time with your 'bros'!"

And with that, she stormed out of the room, leaving Pewdie shocked. He sat there for what felt like hours, but was really only 30 seconds, and fell down crying. He then heard his phone ring in his pocket. It was a special tone that he had given to one if his good friends. Cry was calling him.

Pewdie stopped crying and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He calmed himself down before answering. "Hello?" He said, trying his best not to start sobbing again. "Hi friend!" Cry said cheerily. "Hey Cry" Pewdie said drearily. Cry must have noticed. "Are you ok Pewdie?" Cry said in a concerned voice. "I was just calling to see if you'd like to do a co op together". "Maybe later Cry." Pewdie murmured.

'What's wrong Pewdie? You can tell me." Pewdie hesitated, and then decides to tell his friend what had happened. "Me and Marzia broke up." He said, bursting into tears. He finally stopped crying. He realised that Cry had waited patiently for him to stop. "I'm sorry Cry." He mumbled. "That's ok friend. I'm sorry for you." "Th-thanks Cry." Pewdie stuttered. Thy were both silent for a while when Cry finally said, "Hey, how 'bout this. I'm gonna come visit you in Sweden. I'll start packing now. See you soon!" And with that, Cry abruptly ended the call. Pewdie lay on his bed, surprised at what Cry had said, but happy that his friend was coming to visit.


Cry's P.O.V

So Marzia had left Felix. He felt sorry for his friend. But he was also glad. Cry felt differently for Pewdie than any of his other friends. Every time he thought of Pewdie, his heart would beat extra fast. Every time he heard Pewds' voice, he felt happy. He snapped out of his thoughts. Stop that, he thought to himself. Pewdie doesn't think if you that way.

So he was going to Sweden to visit his friend and cheer him up. Cry had bought his plane tickets and packed everything he would need (including the heavy winter coat he never thought he would use). Sweden was much colder than Florida.

He picked his wallet and phone up off his kitchen bench and put them in his pockets. He grabbed his mask from the bedside table in his bedroom and put it on. Cry walked out if his house, and locked the door. He called a taxi to take him to the airport. When the taxi arrived, he got in, along with his luggage. He arrived 15 minutes later at the airport.

He walked in through the doors of the enormous building. He made his way through the shuffling crowd, getting a few strange looks because if his mask. He eventually got to the boarding area, where his plane was just beginning to let passengers on. When he was on the plane, he found his seat, sat back and relaxed. He might as well get some sleep, it was going to be a long trip.


Thanks go reading, sorry it was long and boring. It will get better I promise. I will try to update soon. Bai! :D

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