"Menopause." I simply answer Alya's question.

She nods in understanding and she looks around the bakery for a chair to sit on.

"Well, I gotta get to work now! I'll be sitting by the corner. You take care of your mom." Alya says as she goes to the corner table and she brings her laptop out and starts typing on it.

Alya is a well-known blogger here in Paris and she earns money by just writing about things. While her best friend, a.k.a. me, is struggling to earn money in order for her to pay her bills and rent.

I work in my parents' bakery but I live in an apartment with Alya. My mom pays me for my work in the bakery. She treats me like a normal employee, most of the time. Working in my parents' bakery is a heartbreak for me because I was so close into finishing my studies in designing clothes until I got divorced. It was my ex-husband who was paying for my studies. Woe is me.

I go inside the kitchen and I get a baking pan. I use the baking pan to cover myself as I go near my mom.

"M-mom?" I ask her through the clattering noise of the pots and pans. "Can you at least listen first to my explanation?"

Upon hearing my question, she stops washing the pans and she turns her body to face me. She nods her head to let me know that I can continue.

I move closer to my mom with the baking pan still covering my face.

"If you don't put that baking pan down, I will seriously go crazy in this kitchen right now."

"Okay, okay!" I put the baking pan on the counter and I raise my hands up like as if I was going to surrender. "Now can I talk?"


I heave a sigh and I walk to stand beside my mom.

"Mom...was there ever a time when you thought that I wouldn't live long? Like, you know, I get really sick and the only thing that you could do is stay with me until the day I die?"

"There was one time when you got really sick, Marinette."

I look at her with wide eyes. This is something that I have never heard of before.

"You had tubercolosis." My mom said, "I remember crying about it every night while you were sleeping. It was scary to think that you could die at any moment.


"Marinette. It's okay if you won't tell me the reason why you were late this morning...I think I figured it out already."

I turn away from her and I start to exit the kitchen until my mom takes my arm and turns me around. She then embraces me.

"My dear, you are feeling all the pain that a mother and a wife could feel...I-I don't know how to help you, honestly..."

I pull away from the hug and I see my mom crying. I wipe away her tears on her cheeks and I kiss her forehead.

"Mom, even though I'm still crying until now...I have somewhat moved on already."

No, I haven't moved on. The feeling of guilt is trapping me, mom. I'm dying on the inside.

"Oh...that's good then-"


Both my mom and I turn our heads to the direction where the voice came from. Alya then appeared right in front of the door and she looked excited.

"MARINETTE! You better see this right now! Excuse us first, Sabine. THIS IS IMPORTANT SHI-"

"Woah, Alya! You may be very excited right now but no curse words in this building. Understand?" I scolded Alya. Oh gosh, I sound like a mom.

"Sorry mom." I say to my mom before exiting the kitchen. I walk towards where Alya was sitting and she looked so determined as she was searching something on the internet.

"Okay, now what is it, Alya..."

"Here Marinette! Read this!!" She shoves her laptop at my face and it hits my nose in the process. I hiss in pain as I rub my nose.

"Oops..sorry!" Alya apologizes. "Here, I will just directly tell you the news."

Alya scrolls down and she fixes her glasses.

"Adrien is having an art exhibit next week."

"WHAT??" I shout and I grab the laptop from her. I read the whole article and my mouth is hanging wide open.

She's right. He is starting an art exhibit...

But he stopped painting and making sculptures when Thomas died...

"Alya...this is so unlike him."

"Marinette...why are you saying such a thing?" Alya peers into my face.

"He stopped doing those things when Tommy died..." I sigh and I run my hands through my head.

"Maybe...don't get hurt when I say this, but what if he has moved on already?" Alya said looking sad.

"Yeah...maybe..." I say as I start to sulk.

"Hey! Don't be like that!" Alya exclaims, "Then you should show him that you are strong and that you need NO man, honey!" Alya z-snaps in front of my face. I laugh at what she was doing but I still have some doubt.

"Oh Alya, you are still as wacky as ever! But...do you think that if I do that...I would look desperate? I mean like, think about it! A 28 year old woman going to her ex-husband's art exhibit? And what would happen if he sees me there? He might think that I want him back! And I clearly don't want him back!" I exclaim and then I start to realize something.

"But Alya...if I see him, I get to see a glimpse of Thomas as I look at him. I would remember every little thing that we had done together..." After I realized what I had just said I start to blush and I see Alya's smirk.

"Girl, are you sure that you have moved on already?" She asks with a sly smile.

"I-I have moved on from him, o-okay? I just haven't moved on from my baby." I reply, nervously.

"Then if you have moved on already, you should go to the art exhibit next week!"

"How can I enter? There might be a list of people allowed to enter and I would be part of the list of people that should be murdered! Entering that exhibit would be suicide!" I frantically say.

Alya rolls her eyes at me and she places both of her hands at my shoulders.

"That is why we are going there, secretly! We will just be hiding the whole time!"

"But Alya, you need a ticket to go in! How would we get a ticket without Adrien knowing that we want to go to his exhibit??" I ask her as I start to panic. Alya, what the heck are you trying to portray here??

"Girl! Did you forget that my boyfriend is Adrien's best friend??"


Hi! So I will be busy for the next 5 weeks and I am not so sure if I could update any of my books :(( But I will be writing the next chapters so when I am not anymore busy, I will publish them :)) Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please support this book and my jelsa story!


Thank you guys! :*

I Can't Forget (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now