"Ok, Lyra. Slow down though." I chuckled as I trailed behind her.

Doing as I asked, she slowed down as we reached the outside of the pack clinic. Then we were walking side by side, our steps were perfectly in sync with one another. I also couldn't help but notice her small hand fit in mine like it was created specifically for me, which I mean it was. I sighed contently at the feeling of her soft skin in contact with me.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just so excited!" She squealed in pure delight.

Again a chuckled escaped my lips. "How about when we get back to your house, we get something to eat?" I knew that she had to eat soon, three days of having nothing in her system was not good. Especially for werewolves. Lack of food meant our bodies were weaker than normal, and other werewolves could easily pick up on that.

"That sounds great!"

"Good. What do you want to eat?" I asked her.

I was met with silence, I snuck a glance at her and noticed that she was deep in thought. Her lips were slightly pursed, and her almond shaped eyes were slightly narrowed. When she thought of something that seemed to please her, a giant smile broke out across her face. "Rabbit!" She said confidently.

"Rabbit?" I couldn't help but question back. That wasn't an item of food that is readily kept on hand. I'd have to go hunting for that, and who knows when I'll come across one in the surrounding forest.

Panic filled her eyes, "U-unless you d-don't want that. I-i mean we could eat something else." She stammered in nervousness.

"No, no that's not what I meant." I squeezed her hand a little and softened my features. "I'll just have to go hunt for some rabbit for you. I was hoping to get you some food right away, but if you want rabbit then as soon as we get back to the house I'll head out to hunt." I assured her. I didn't mind the hunt I just hope I'd come across something quick.

"I'll go with you," Lyra said quickly.

The thought was nice. It'd be fun going on a hunt with my mate, but right now I needed to hunt quickly and efficiently. If Lyra was there, I'd get too distracted and the hunt would drag on longer than necessary. "We'll go hunting another time together. The doctor said you need to take it easy for the next few days." Thankfully this was the truth and Lyra was present when the doctor advised this. And I wasn't looking like the bad guy for refusing her help.

Lyra looked a little upset when I pointed this out. I stopped walking and pulled her closer to me. Her eyes were casted down to the ground, she didn't want me to see that she was sad. I gently placed two fingers under her chin and lightly lifted her head up so she was looking at me. "Hey," I said softly. "I'll hunt fast, alright? You won't even notice I'm gone."

"Promise?" She whispered back.

My lips tugged up at the corners, a smile was faintly noticeable. "Promise."


When we reached her house I realized I had to call my Beta and fill him in on the news about Lyra. I excused myself from the house telling Lyra I'd head out as soon as I got off the phone with my pack. I was a little worried she would be upset, but she knew how important it was for me to be in contact with my pack.

I dialed the familiar number on my phone and waited for my Beta to pick up. Luckily he is pretty quick with answering the phone whenever I called. "Alpha."

"Jason, how are things back at the territory?" I asked.

"Things are good, Alpha. How is the Luna doing? Any changes in her condition?" Zev and myself both felt a little proud whenever anyone referred to my mate as Luna. It wasn't an uncommon, or unheard of for pack members to start calling the Alpha's mate Luna before she was officially in the pack. That fact didn't matter, knowing that my pack already cares for her and accepts her, fills me with pride.

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