Forever Mine

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My mind goes fuzzy.....
I feel my brain drift apart....
Dreariness takes over my mind as I slowly begin to let go....
"No! Come back Charley!" This sudden outburst throws me off guard. Demi.
She still cares? I thought she hated me... I though I saw her with that guy instead of coming to save me. I ask myself again, should I go?
Well, it's too late now.

But what if it's not?

I debate against staying here at cruel earth with sweet Demi or going to bliss heaven.
I see angel fingers reaching out to pull me up. Should I take their hands?
"It's all my fault!" I faintly hear Demi wail.
But it's not your fault, Demi. Or is it?
I can't decide on anything.
My time is almost up.
I have two options.
I can either go to Heaven with the angels and live in harmony or stay on earth arduously but always be entertained. I can stay with Demi or God.
What should I do God? Do you want me to come with you or stay with Demi?
I struggle to speak to God.
Suddenly, and even brighter light appears and the Angels depart.
Jesus. Is. Standing. In. Front. Of.Me.
Well, more like floating.
Hi Jesus.
Hello Charley
Do you really love me?
Of course
Does Demi love me
Love is a hard feeling to determine.
That doesn't answer me very well.
Not everything has to be answered
Can you answer one of my questions?
Yes, Charley. That is my answer to your question.
How do you know what-
Jesus disappears. He must be magic because he knew my question. Oh no!
I need to get back to Demi!
The bright light is coming closer, attempting to consume me into eternal peace. Life would be very boring without enemies.
I pull away. The light comes closer and closer as I push away and hold onto life tighter than ever. This is the first time I have desired to live. Demi is the only thing that matters to me... and Hercules.
I grab life.
Please. Let me in.
The light becomes larger. It reminds me of a vacuum as it tries to suck me into its everlasting happiness.
I hang on and continue to knock on the door of life. Maybe I could write about this. I'm pretty sure no one has experienced death and lived to tell the story.
The vacuum sucks harder.
I let tears spill down my face. I need Demi. The vacuum is winning.
I scream as my strength fades. Am I dead....
Suddenly, everything is dark. I hear sobbing. Wait... Isn't heaven supposed to be sunshine and unicorns and other stuff?
Why is there crying in the most joyful place on Earth?
"It's not your fault, Dems."
Dems? Is that Demi? My mind explodes. I did it! Jesus was right! I'm back at the hospital! I listen in silence, savoring the feeling of... Feeling!
I stroke the soft bed sheets and smell the fresh air. I hear tapping of pencils and some one standing up. Don't leave me again Demi! I'm here!
I struggle to push out the word. Air feels new and crisp in my lungs, causing me to cough.
All the noises stop. Am I dying again? I open my eyes very slowly. There are glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling. The first thing I see when I revive is stickers.
The second thing is see is Demi, black streaks down her face and her hands covering her mouth. As they say, second is the best.
"Charley" she whispers. A tear falls off her face and onto my neck. I don't bother wiping it away.
I cough again and nod. I'm here, Demi.
She bends down and hugs me.
" Don't ever do that again."
I push her away and look into her now red eyes. She looks into mine.
"Promise you will be forever mine and never leave me." I say.
Demi gasps.
"I'm forever yours and you are forever mine."
Mine forever.
Forever mine.
I love it.
I hate it.
Daddy's coming to get me now.
I might have to leave Demi again.

Hey guys! I'm so happy Charley lived!
Hope you're having a good week!

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