Chapter 17:Revival?

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I'm panting as Wilmer and I finally make it to the hospital. Wilmer leans against the building, taking deep breaths and putting his hands behind his head. I, though, continue running.
I crash into the front desk causing and avalanche of papers and pens. Not to mention a lemon tart that the lady seemed to be enjoying.
"Where is my daughter?!" I ask.
"Why'd you smash my lemon square?" Asks the lady, her face turning red to match her hair.
"Where's my daughter???!!!!!" I ask, almost shouting.
"I don't know! Why'd you knock down my lemon square?!"
"It was a f**king accident! Do you not care about all the patients here?! Are you more worried about a stupid lemon than the dying insides of a five year old? FOR THE LAST TIME, WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" I am screaming now. I must look pretty crazy, my hair is floating in all directions and I feel sprinkles on my face. People turn around to stare at me. Some mothers scold me and cover their children's ears.
The front desk lady shuts up now and is looking through the computer.
"There are many little girls here that are victims-"
"Charolette Cunningham!"
The lady nods, fright feigning on her face, as she types away.
"Charleigh, Caly, Chalmane....."
What kind of name is Chalmane?
"Aha! Here we are! Room 206 to your left." The lady says
I dash off.
"Didn't even bother to ask if I'm still hungry....."
Wilmer catches up to me and is now sprinting ahead. I slid past 208 and leap a door back.
I gulp back tears and knock softly on the door. I hear beeps from inside, they get louder and longer then softer and shorter.
A doctor opens the door and peeks through the crack.
"Yes?" He asks quietly.
"I'm Charolette's mother."
He nods.
"Full name, please."
"Demetria Devonne Lovato." I eagerly reply. I'm ready to see my baby.
"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong room. That last name is invalid."
I really need to change her last name.
"Her name is Charolette Cunningham. If you don't let me the f**k in you'll wish you where never born."
The doctor glances at me over his glasses and I shoot him an icy stare. He shifts his gaze to over my shoulder.
"And you are?"
"Wilmer Valderrama, Amigo."
"Neither of you are valid."
That's it. I back away, trying to look defeated. The bast**d fell for it. I quickly turned around and kicked down the door, using my heels to spike little holes.
Wilmer stare at me.
"Mujer atractiva fuerte."
I don't get three shits about what he said. I really don't care either.
I rush to the bedside to see my babe wired up to all these crappy strings.
"No! Come back Charley!" I scream as Charley's breathing shallows. I shake her as tears stream down my face.
I collapse to the ground. I dissolve in blood curdling sobs and screams.

My ego.... gone.

My baby.....gone

My desire to live.....gone

My life..... gone.

Wilmer sits down next to me and wraps his muscular arms around my body. I lean into his chest and ruin his shirt with my tears.
You let her die!
Your family will be so disappointed
Your Lovatics will hate you
You shouldn't live
I scream.
Wilmer let's me go slowly, hurt registering on his face.
"No. I wasn't....I'm sorry......"
I cry for what feels like hours but is actually only a few seconds.
"I know, Dems. It's not your fault."
I cry harder.
"But... It is my fault!"
I'm a terrible mother. I abandoned my child for a silly ex love. But I love Wilmer
Charley is gone
Stop crying
A doctor stands behind us, peering at the zig zag machine thing. He waves in a few nurses that also stare at the machine. They write down something and show it to some more doctors. They study the sheet and grin.
They're happy that Char is dead.
I stand up, getting ready to punch everyone of their mother f**kin' bast**d-


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