Chapter 14: Crash

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I jump into the front seat as Hercules jumps in next to Charlie. I'm honestly hurt. I hear a strange whispery sound and check the air vent to see if it's broken. Nope. I shrug and buckle myself in.
"Thank, Jo. I can tell that Charlie really loves you,"  I say," I'm just not so sure that she loves me."
"Demi, I know this may not be my place, but I feel that you are a great mother and deserve to have Charlie."
I look up at Jo and smile, tears that were pricking my eyes leaving. Behind me, I hear snoring. I turn around to see Char snuggled against Hercules' thick fur, her curly hairy spread along his back. They're both fast asleep and Hercules is snoring.
I quickly whip out my phone and take a picture for Twitter.

DemiDLovato: My baby girl and her new dog Hercules!

I instantly get replies from my army of lovatics.

Lovatic110025: She is SOO cute! Who is she?
Dd1ovatic: I love that pic! The German Shepard is so sweet! Love the hair!
HaneyLovesDemi: Who is she! Please tell us Demi!
Belieber20356: Is that you and Wilmer's abused child?

I ignore a few discouraging and rude comments, and report them. My lovatics are so ecstatic! They kept trying to pry Char's identity out of me, but I'm quite proud of myself for containing my excitement.
Blue and red lights blind me as police cars roar past us. I turn around to see a line of ambulances, fire trucks, and a few crashes cars. The wailing and blaring of the sirens wake up Charlie and Hercules and cause my baby to burry her face in the dog's fur.
"It's okay, baby. It's just some nice police men."
She nods but clings tighter to the puppy. I turn around quickly as a car behind us falls off the bridge.
"Jo, look out!" Jo had been checking to see if Char was okay and accidentally near the crashes in front of us.
He turns quickly and I let out a breath of air I hadn't realized I was holding. Suddenly, a semi truck curves in front of us. I scream as the large load topples down onto the limo. Everything goes black. The last thing I remember is blood, Charlie screaming, Hercules barking, and Jo, lying dead in the front seat.

Sorry for the short chapter!
Thanks for reading my story everyone!
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