"Guessin' tha' means ya like it."

"I fucking love this! Philip...I don't know what to say. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever donw for me..." I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled softly as she relaxed into my touch.

"Darlin' ya don't have ta say a thing. I'm just glad to see ya so happy." I paused then took my hand away. "So what do ya say abou' goin' inside," I dug into my pocket, pulled out a few keys on a ring and held them up for her to see. " an' see tha place?"

The smile on her face widened, which was so infectious that I found myself smiling too. Opening the door we both walked in and took a good look around. I followed Darc around as she was thinking out loud and saying things about where everything would go. She was talking about chairs and stations and all kinds of other things that I had no idea what she was talking about, but it was amusing. Even though she was rambling I didn't stop her, I just smiled and kept listening.


I looked down at my phone as it went of and noticed the time. We had been here for an hour? Really? Oh god,....I think I was rambling the whole time....Goddamnit. I turned around to actually face Chibs for the first time noticing that he had this big smile on his face and looked very amused. I slightly glared at him.

"Why do you look so pleased?" I went over to him and looked him in the eyes since he was half sitting on a desk that was left there. He covered his mouth with his hand then ran it through his beard and let it rest on his chin.

"Nothin', jus' watchin' ya." I decided to let him off with this one and then said, as I pulled out my phone again.

"My dad was wondering if I could swing by and hangout for a bit since he's going on break soon. Mine taking me over there?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes which only caused him to roll his eyes and sigh. Standing up he stretched slightly and said,

"I guess I could do tha' for ya," He paused then looked down at me. "but wha' do I get in return?" He grinned, showing off those adorable dimples. I cocked my head to the side then said,

"Hmm....me not pulling my knife out on you again?" Chibs fake pouted as he came closer and threw his arm across my shoulders.

"Aww, an' jus' when I was startin' ta find knives as a turn on." It was my turn to roll my eyes this time as we walked out and got back on Chibs' bike after he locked the shop back up. We headed back down the streets that had started becoming all too familiar to me. Then we pulled into the lot and I saw my dad look up as he heard the roar of the bike then walk out to meet us. Climbing off the bike I was greeted with a huge from him.

"Hey, baby." He kissed my cheek then pulled away to look at me and Chibs as he climbed off behind me. "What have you two been up to today?" As we walked the short distance over to the tables I told him how Chibs had surprised me with the shop this morning.

"No kidding." Tig said smiling as he looked over at Chibs who was sat across the table from him and next to me.

"She mentioned how she was a tat'oo artist before she came 'ere an' how she missed it so I though' she migh' wan' ta have her own shop." I smiled up at Chibs as he took my hand. Tig seemed to not mind at all that we were together. Sure we had that talk, but I wasn't sure if he was just saying all that to make me happy or if he actually meant it. After we sat there and talked for a few more minutes about what we were going to do later my dad said he needed Chibs help on something he was working on in the shop. While they were doing that I sat at the tble still when I heard a bunch of bikes pull into the lot.

Seeing me sitting at the tables Jax, Juice, Bobby, and a very tall bearded guy walked over. Jax was the first to talk as I stood up to greet them.

"Hey there Darcy." He came over and hugged me. Juice came over and sat down beside me in the spot I had just been sitting in. I looked down at him.

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