The New Boss

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Chibs had left about twenty minutes ago and I was just now getting done with my hair and makeup. Sadly I didn't have the things I needed to fix my hair because I stupidly left them at the clubhouse last night. Instead I pulled it back into a high ponytail leaving my bangs and some side bits out of course. Makeup wise I went with a light smokey look nothing to heavy since it was early in the day after all. Once satisfied I turned, grabbed my dark purple hoodie from a box near by, and headed for the kitchen. I made myself a nice hot tea and put it in a to-go cup then headed out the door.

I took the Bronco today only because I didn't want to fuck up my hair. I'd always had a knack for directions and navigation so getting use to Charming wasn't that hard for me and I was pulling into TM in no time. After pulling in I looked over seeing all the guys grouped up in the garage clearly talking about something. Seeing that no one was really around I was just gonna sit in my truck and wait till they were done talking, but I noticed a familiar looking car pull up. They back beside me and then it hit me, it was Gemma's car. Only it wasn't just Gemma there was a blonde lady that stepped out of the car and smile at me as I climbed out of the Bronco.

"Hey there sweetheart. Wow, your gorgeous." She took a step bac to look me up and down then said,

"I could make a lot of money with you. Hey you need a job." I was really confused, but thankfully Gemma came over and saved me from the situation.

"Sorry Luann, you're not recruiting this one." Gemma came over with a cigarette in hand then looked at me.

"This one here is the one I was telling you about. This is Tiggy's daughter, Darcy. Darcy this is the porn star gone producer, Luann Delaney." Luann smiled then looked back at me.

"Well sweetheart if you're ever looking to switch professions give me a call." I laughed and said,

"I'll keep that in mind." Gemma looked at me over her glasses and said,

"You better not or your dad will kill you." Which made me laugh even more because I honestly didn't think he would. I think he wouldn't mind at all. As we were standing there laughing some of the guys come up to us.

"What are you girls laughing about?" Clay asked as he walked over and gave a kiss to Gemma. My dad, Chibs, and Juice walk over with him. Tig came over, leaned against my Bronco, and put his arm around my shoulder. Leaning over her kissed the top of my head.

"Hey there girlie. How was your morning?" I smiled at him then quickly glanced at Chibs.

"It was pretty good. Did some cardio this morning and made some tea." I held up my tea and took a sip. I heard Chibs laugh slightly, but quickly cover it up with a cough. Thankfully no one seemed to notice. After I was done speaking to my dad I turned back to Gemma who was answering Clay's previous question.

"We were just talking about how Tig would kill Darcy if she did porn."

"Oh I would definitely watch that!" Juice spoke up with a huge smile on his face.

"Aye! I'd have to agree with ya there lad." Chibs said clasping Juice on the shoulder. I shook my head at both of them.

"Hey, if she'd want to do it I'm not gonna stop her." Gemma just rolled her eyes and Clay says,

"Why am I not surprised." Tig looked down at me then over to Gemma and Luann.

"So what's on the agenda today ladies?" Luann was the one to speak up this time.

"Probably take this one," She motioned to me. "Over to Cara Cara and show her around the place." Juice looked up a bit too excited when he said,

"Wait, is she really doing porn?" I laughed and shook my head yet again.

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