Parchment 46: Unwanted Company

Start from the beginning


After the encounter that both of us witnessed we head to Harry's house, though that's the last place I want to go. I can't stand them. I don't like how they treat Harry, with such disrespect and anger towards him.

"Hello, I'm home," he says throughout the house. I see on the couch, as always, Mr. Dudley with his son, and I'm guessing the wife is in the kitchen.

"Harry! Would you mind-oh... Why did you bring her here?" And of course the son just has to say something too. Him and his big, fat mouth with no filter attached.

"Yeah she looks bloody awful!"

Harry moves his stance so he is directly in front of me, blocking their view of my current appearance.

"Oh, so she is your girlfriend. I knew it. I so knew it!" The son stands up abruptly and goes to his father. "Father I want a girlfriend! I want a girlfriend! I want one now!" He yells and complains. His voice just makes me want to shove a handful of pixies down his throat. I know to muggles that doesn't sound like a lot but if you know how annoying and active those are, you'd be screwed.

"Now, I don't know about-"

"I WANT ONE NOW!" Mrs. Dudley steps into the conversation, well more like dispute.

"Now, your father can't go and choose one-"


I have to hold myself back as best as I can but, it wasn't good enough. Harry pulls my wrist towards the stairs that's to our left, and we run up them. We dive into his room, Harry slams the door and locks it. He shoves me on the bed and my mind jumps to a step that isn't possible.

But don't show it. Don't show the fear and worry. Don't show anything.

After all Harry doesn't think like that.

I hope..

"Your eyes.." Harry whispers. What's with him and whispering today..? I lay my hands on his shoulders preparing to move him away.

"What about them?" I question.

"They're red.."

Red? Red. Yeah, most definitely possible.

"Don't mess with me Harry.." I say seriously, he starts to back away. Fear is in his green orbs this time, I can read that easily.

"It's happening again.. They go from blue to red, it is triggering by your emotions, anger and rage.. Don't take this personally but-" he starts to get closer, close enough that I feel his body heat. I turn my head away, my blood starts to boil.

"If you do anything, you will get the worst.." I threaten him. Harry's face is just almost touching mine, which is the most uncomfortable thing I'm feeling right now. I can see all the details on his face, ones that I brush off whenever I spot him in a crowded room.

"Is that a bruise?" I change the subject quickly to avoid the awkwardness I'm receiving through this test.

"What? A bruise?" Harry moves his hands against the right side of his face.

"Oi. It's right," I use my finger to point out where the small black and blue mark is on his skin, "there."

"Oh that," he chuckles and a memory starts to replay in his mind. "That's when Hermione got really mad at me and threw her quill at my face. I'm glad it wasn't a dart, that's for sure.." I get out a chuckle myself. 

"You've obviously kissed someone." I blurt out, Harry's face flushes red and I cover my mouth. "Aww, I missed that! Darn! Who was it with?" I ask smiling like an idiot.

"Cho.." I shove him away making him in the bottom.

"NO WAY! THE SEEKER OF RAVENCLAW! HARRY!" I squeal in excitement, but his face shows me something else. "But you like someone else..." Now it's my turn to give him this test.

"So, how did I happen?" Harry's bright red face is giving me so much pleasure right now. I'm normally the one looking like a tomato while he's laughing. Oh how time changes everything.

"Around Christmas... We were alone... And then mistletoe started to grow from the ceiling..." I get closer, don't worry I'm not going to kiss him. I just want to see how far I can push him.


"And what?"

"Don't end there Harry.."

That sounds so wrong in this situation..

"W-well, we kissed and then... And then she cried.." I get a twisted facial expression. Then it hit me why she would be crying. The only reason why she would be.


"Ah, I understand that now.." I mumble, the red in Harry's face starts to diminish.

"Yeah.." The silence comes once again, but it isn't a comfortable one like the one we had on the way here.

This is the letting all the information and past sinking in, and not knowing what to do with it.

"So," I start up a conversation, or at least attempt too.

"Don't, please don't.." Harry pleads, I nod my head and stay quiet.

No words are spoken between us, my arms get tired and I just plop down beside him. He stares up at the ceiling with a dazed look, if he is seeing someone else's face. I don't blame him for not wanting to talk about it.

It was his first after all, and it was with someone he loved, though she was taken by someone else. I, I think I was in that same situation before, but I don't know who. I open my mouth to ask another question but I shut it.

Don't make him angry.

A heavy sigh slides by my lips, I close my eyes and just let go.

Breathe in, breathe out..

The shuffling of blankets catches my attention, Harry moves his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Sorry, I'm just going to sleep.." Harry whispers, his eyes close and his dark hair covers his eyes. He will need to get them cut soon, I think I will give him one. If he doesn't mind. I take his glasses off and place them on the stand next to his bed.

"It's fine, get some rest you need it.." I start to fix his hair when his eyes open just for a few seconds. In one swift motion he gives me something that I would never expect.

A kiss...

I'm taken back by this. Not knowing his real intentions of his actions. I move away from Harry, his eyes dash around my whole face as if he is watching the snitch in a Quidditch match.

I know what he is thinking.

I know this will break him by saying this phrase. But I have to do it.

"I'm not her.."

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