Parchment 14: Training Him

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"Now, Malfoy, you need to listen and pay attention," his head looks up at me, his brain slowly going into listening mode. One mode that barely gets turned on even in classes with Snape as the teacher. Since those two are close due to his father, I think, or someone in his family.

"Yes, Quest," he replies back to me, trying not to roll his eyes, I take my chance and shoot straight at him, knocking him and his broom down a few feet, "OI! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He screams, almost falling off once again. Regaining his balance he holds on tight to the wooden object ahead of him.

"Well, I thought you were ready," bringing my knees close in I zoom off, "come on! Catch me!" I yell, Malfoy dashes towards me on his broom. Though his is nicer and more up to date I don't think he will be able to catch up no matter what. At least not yet.

I go in circles and he still doesn't, slowing down he comes behind me, panting heavily.

"What the heck, do you have an attachment or something?" I have to hold back the laughter at his comment, for I could so say something back at him that's down right rude. But I don't.

"Oh, I thought you said it was going to break, now why couldn't you catch up to me?" I ask turning so I am facing him, a dreadful thing to do currently but it needs to be done.

"I don't know, must be the dreaded weather," he complains, poor excuse of I do say so myself, there isn't any wind or rain. Thankfully there isn't any lightning, for that's just, ugh, the worst.

"Oh really? And what weather are you referring to Malfoy?" I ask crossing my arms, he furrows his eyebrows and lets out an annoyed huff of air, he knows he can't answer it right because there is no weather to mess it up.

"Whatever munter girl, you're a terrible teacher, I'm leaving," he turns to leave and does, but little does he know, oh how much he can't think one step ahead.

Alright, a terrible teacher am I? Well, let's just see about that.

I ever so slowly drop down, getting to his level I wait, then stretching my hand out to the side I head straight for him. This makes him completely fall off his broom, a yell can be heard as he heads toward the ground.

"MERLINS BEARD HELP!!" Malfoy screams, quite loud and shrill to add. I dive quickly through the clouds, then the lush green grass below shows just how close we are.

I continue to watch him, this is when something very odd happens. He curls up in a loose ball and is that, is he crying? Draco Malfoy is crying. This isn't sniffling, this is balling, like someone or a puppy just died balling.

That's when it hits me, like a load of red, steaming bricks.

What have I done. What have I done? Out of cruelty and anger towards him this whole time I'm putting his only life in danger. His life, his only chance at the world and its. Secrets and surprises. I'm terrible, really utterly inhumane...

What have I done.

Diving down faster and faster I head in a bee line for him, holding my arms out I see the green streak come down. Getting lined up I know it's a small chance, but if I can catch a Snitch then I most definitely can catch someone who's falling from the sky. Raising the broom up, with Draco coming down we collide and he rests in my arms, petrified.

At first, he clings on to me for dear mercy, his cheeks wet with the tears that he shed on the way down from the sky. He mumbles phrases that have the word 'mother' in them, so he goes to his mother when something is wrong, and something is obviously wrong.

Getting back to the level ground he looks up at me with tinted red eyes, still having those dashing silver blue eyes. But they change quickly, from unsure and scared to I-am-blaming-everything-on-you.

"YOU, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME! I AM REPORTING THIS! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!" He yells, moving around in my arms which didn't have an effect on him leaving sooner. Placing him down Draco starts to walk off, my mind just playing the scene and my thoughts about the whole thing.

"Hope you have fun getting a detention Quest," he mocks, I jerk his shoulder back and face him. Eye to eye. The only words that could come out of my mouth are the ones I never thought I would say to him. And be completely honest about it.

"I'm sorry," he sticks his nose up and shoves my hand off his shoulder.

"You? Sorry? Ha, oh please, spare me the whole crying act, I know-"

"But I am, I'm sorry Draco, I just, I didn't know that it would turn out like that way.." I say quietly, I'm supposed to be a teacher or helper when I'm just an almost murderer.

"Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself munter girl," he says pushing my shoulder as he walks away, once again. I build up the courage to speak the phrase that lingered in my mind the whole time I was talking to him. Trying to apologize to him when he doesn't want to accept it.

"Will you forgive me," I whisper, this is when Draco stops walking away. There's nothing but the cold evening wind, calling and telling nature that it's night, time to come out and explore the darkened corners you didn't want to bother during the day.

Looking towards Draco he ends up turning around, a silence fills the thick and unsure air. Tensions are battling within him while I want this to be over so I can continue tomorrow. Sighing he turns his head back towards the locker room and starts to walk forward.

That's when he replies.

"This time Quest, and only this time."

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