Parchment 22: Mudblood

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"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Mavis says repeatedly, I shake my head and give a small smile.

"Breathe, it's okay Mavis, you just spilled some milk on my shirt, see? The stain is already gone," I reply holding out my sweater, she moves her head side to side still.

"But! But what if something starts to grow on it!" I want to smack my hand against my face. Yes, the milk you spilled with turn into warts and I will evolve into a troll in the spans of two weeks.

"It's milk, it wouldn't grow anything. My brother didn't turn into anything, and he's been living for twelve years, I'll be okay." Mavis sighs in defeat, reaching my room I get greeted by Jasper, my Hungarian Horn tail, he is about the size of a small dog now, all covered in scales with small wings starting to sprout from his back.

I go on my knees and he charges towards, then jumping in the air he lands on to my shoulder.

"Hey boy, miss me?" He lets out a small roar, which sounds like a squeaking door, and rubs his rough head against mine. "I missed you too..." Mavis just rolls her eyes and sits down on my bed, crossing her legs she stares at the two of us.

"You know, they will find him soon.." The smile I had on my face flashes into a frown, looking over at Jasper he hits my other shoulder with his tail. I run my fingers over his uneven skin, just thinking about that made me want to get rid of all those who think that dragons are beasts are only good for sport along with the TriWizard Tournament.

"But, what will happen, he's been with me for this long, I can't let him go.." Mavis sighs and fixes her glasses. I reach down to the ground and pick up a small piece of paper with my fathers face on it. Jasper's eyes grow wide and opens his mouth letting out a single thread of flame bursting it into ashes.

"I agree with that Jasper, oh how I do.." Mavis walks over to Drew and pets his fur, Corral is asleep on her stand near the window as always.

"Who?" I watch the pile of ashes before me, zoning out on what is around me. I didn't tell Mavis about my father, and how he treats me still. Though I've only seen him three to four times in the last four years.

"Just a drawing I did of an annoying person.." I make up, kind of, he is annoying but it isn't an annoying that I was thinking off.

"Malfoy?" I shake my head in rejection, no not him, he isn't annoying, just blunt and very, misunderstood by a lot of people. Not a lot of people know what actually happens in his mind or back at the manor with his family. I don't even know about him, but if people think there own thing about me..then how much they are actually missing. I barely mention my family or past to those around me, only too Mavis, which is a very limited amount.

"Really not Malfoy?"

"Yeah, he can be a jerk, also blank and unsure about a lot but, I don't know, I don't know much about him, even those our families are close due to blood and status in the world today. I can't go off and make my own judgment of him, with all that I don't know about him. He's a mystery that isn't solved, a question with no found solution, empty and not understood.."

Mavis leans forward and puts her hand on my forehead, she has a very confused look on her face.

"Nebula, are you sick? You're talking positively about Malfoy.." Pushing her hand away I nod my head in reply.

"I'm not sick Mavis, I'm just saying what's on my mind.." Mavis raises her eyebrows, showing her eyes above her rectangular glasses.

"Giving praise to Malfoy, you need to be sick to do something that low."


"So what's new with Quest?" Flint Marcus asks, he once again is shoving food in his face as he also done since first year. He currently is still the captain of our team, I haven't even played any games in my four years here which makes me quite angry.

"Nothing, just got a lecture on why not to apparently 'praise' Malfoy from Mavis," I pick at my own food ahead of me, I'm not entirely hungry after the conversation I had with Mavis a few hours ago, and with Malfoy this morning.

"Really? Well, that's one thing I understand, why she would be very uptight about the whole thing. I've talked to her a few times, she would be as labeled 'mudblood' like he calls that one girl in Gryffindor since neither of her parents are linked to the magic world.." Flint says laying down his turkey leg, I just find myself staring at him, not in an admiring way.

Why hasn't she told me about that? Why didn't she tell me that Malfoy calls her that name?

"Oh," I stay there in silence, not saying any other words for I don't think I could get the courage to say anything else.

"Oh? Quest, what's wrong?"

Am I always like this? I leave whenever I don't understand things. I'm leaving again.

"I'm sorry Flint, but I just go, I remembered I have to finish writing a report on five different magical creatures." Flint just opens and closes his mouth trying to find the right words to say but can't.

"Wait, Que-" and I was gone, though the doors I head straight to the common room.

I'm sorry Flint, I'm sorry that I keep leaving you hanging. I'm so sorry...

I walk towards my room and just before I enter in I hear a low sobbing sound.

That has to be one person and only one person.

Knocking on my door I hear a light scream instead, then once it subsides a small voice comes through the wood.

"Come in.." The squeaking door lets me in, I see a wet skirt with loose fists

"Hey," I sit by her side, wrapping my arm around her shoulder I pull her close to me, if I was in her place right now I would want to talk about it, "you wanna talk? Or do you just need a shoulder or lap to lay on?"

"Yeah... Malfoy called me Mudblood again, and I just can't help it! I hate him Nebula! I HATE HIM! Just because my parents aren't involved with magic doesn't mean I'm the lowest or low!" Mavis cries, I see how red her eyes are, she has been crying here for a while.

"Well, maybe one day he will understand what a jerk he is, though I don't think that will be now, sadly, he could have gotten along with a lot of other people probably, since you are an amazing person," I say giving her a friendly kiss on the top of her head. That gets her to smile, that's what I wanted to see. Mavis wipes away the clear lines from her eyes and sits up.

"Thanks, Neb, you're a life saver.."

"You're welcome Mavis, being called a food is most definitely a compliment."

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