Parchment 3: End if the Rail and The Sorting Hat

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The small sound of a ringing bell comes to my ear, along with a voice, deep and strong. I can almost picture them; tall, big, big meaning strong and that one person who would load coal and throw it in the fire with their bare hands. Making their hands black and dusty, but still caring for others. Maybe even with a beard showing on his chin, or starting. But yet, it's all about the imagination of one person.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts on your left all you new and old wizards," turning my head I see it. As Andrew described it, a huge, awesome looking castle that just has this hint of home, a safe place.. Somewhere I don't have to be scared about the other things at home, or places else where in this wide world. Standing up I fix my skirt, though, I dread wearing it.

Skirts and me never got along, they lead to public embarrassments quickly and without warning. Tripping, ripping, falling and how I always do, sprawling out on the ground with my bum in the air. Earning a few bruised knees and elbows, the cons of bruising easily, I don't get beat up by people, I do but, it's a majority of unplanned events. Call it karma or reverse luck, it doesn't matter to me.

It just happens.

Grabbing my things I head out, out into the isle, the most cramped and awkward place, at least that's what Andrew said his first year. He fell on a girl, due to the rumble and movement of other people, and broke her wrist for how she tried to brace herself, that didn't turn out well. Along with getting hit in the head, side and bum plenty of times by wooden suitcases that just went up and down by the user's poor control.

It was crammed, really crammed, keeping a hold of everything was painful and bending. My arm bending trying to hold the suitcase while trying to keep a grip on Corrals cage.

Talk about uncomfortable, everyone's in such a rush, I just should have waited a little longer in the bunk.

I get pushed right into the wall by a group of boys that walk through and get out first. Once the clogged flow of people, teens and children went out the door things started to go smoothly. Finally being able to breathe my own air, I'm outside the train.

"Oh thank goodness that's over.." I mutter quietly, Corral and Andrew seem to agree for they both acted, Corral fiddled with her feather while Andrew stretched. All the younger children head towards, not the castle, but down lower, being a first year I get out on to a boat with others. I forgot that Andrew told me about that..

Once we get to the main entrance, I follow behind, at least ten paces behind, crowds aren't my thing. I get lost easily and knowing this, I feel this first week or so I'm going to be getting lost, quite often.


I peer around for the two red heads, maybe they can help me get around, or not. They have their young brother to look after, he's much more important than me, someone who they just met. Only a natural thing. Sighing I keep walking, the person at the very front opens the door, whoever it is. I can't see anything from where I am. Only the back and down of people.

"... Now, this is the Great Hall. THE SORTING HAT PLEASE!" A voice yells. I am jumping up and down trying to see what's going on. I heard what they said, but, Sorting Hat?

"Wait, is that the weird hat that Andrew wouldn't stop talking about? The singing, and all the patches on it, something 'Gandalf' would wear?" A small snicker comes from my left, shoot, someone heard me. I automatically shut my mouth.

"Did you just hear her?"

"Yeah, honestly, she is lame.."

"What's with the hair? Like, really."

Staring down at the ground my hands start to shake, I'm being talked about, soon everyone will look back at me and laugh. That's what they always do, and that's what I'll always happen. No matter where I go. Forcing my head to stay down I start to back up, not wanting to be here anymore.

"Home, I have no home.." I whisper angrily and hurt, but yet, found myself bump into something or someone behind me.

Could be a pole all that I know of. Or it would be a very round pillar.. And soft too, uh oh..

I stay still hoping they won't look at me or even talk to me, I'm not in the mood or mind to do something that's so easy for others who commonly do it.

"My, my, where are you going? The Sorting is happening!" They push me forward forcing me in line, raising my head I see who was speaking to me. The white and gray, tangled and crumpled beard, tiny black orbs behind thin glasses and dark blue robes that glide over the floor. They almost seem to float behind him, standing or walking. But over all, a kind and understanding face.

Someone filled to the brim with wisdom and overflowing kindness to everyone, no matter what or who they are. That's when you know you met the Headmaster,-


"Yes, that's me, now, you must hurry, they are almost all the way done with the Sorting." He seems like a person who would be a good father, warm and gentle, calm and open. Someone who you can trust, yet, when it comes to something dark, he knows how to repel it, and strike back. Saving those around him who he cares about.

I have no words to say back to him, I just get back in line and wait. Seeing all of the kids my age getting Sorted into their houses, Andrew loved talking about that.

The Royal Ravenclaws, Great Gryffindors, Sneaky Slytherins, and the Helpful Hufflepuffs.

Back to jumping up and down, trying to see where all the different tables are at.

I've got this, can't get lost here, at least this part. Hopefully, just got to calm down and breathe. Being calm can mean being quiet and silent, and that's one thing I'm great at.


"RAVENCLAW!" The last person ahead of me, a boy about my age,  maybe a little older, walks to the Hat. It gets placed on his head and it moves around for a bit, unsure about his mind and choice. Whoever he is, I'm sure he'll be happy in the house he gets put into.

"GRYFFINDOR!" A wave of relief comes over his face, all the tension that was there left him. He quickly runs over to the table, sitting beside the girl that barged in on George, Fred and I. Guess that's where she went to afterward, they start to talk and such, I just stare, not harshly but blissfully.

They are happy together.. Yet something tugged at me inside, something that was harsh, and demanding to be felt.

A cough comes behind me, getting thrown back into reality I didn't realize that everyone else was staring at me. Dumbledore nods his head and gives me another, yet lighter push towards the Hat. 

"Go on, Nebula.." I quickly walk up to the Hat, it floats above my head and plops down on it. A small voice comes into my mind.

"Your shy, quiet, yet strong willed, brave, but when your mother gets involved in any matter, you have to get involved also, which your mother doesn't approve that. Loyalty though no one sees it, strong though no one knows it, loving yet doesn't get any love from anyone else..

"Hm, this is hard, ah! Your the daughter of Mr. Quest, a loyal and strong, yet can be stingy, Gryffindor, along with your older brother Andrew, my are you two alike, yet different. You hold something inside you that he doesn't even know of.. Only you know of. Oh the Weasley twins, of course, Gryffindors too, but, you don't feel up to that task?"

"Well, I don't know, I want to change but, I know no one will support me since I'm not known to others.." This is weirdly cool, talking to the Hat, knowing that no one else can hear it. Or our conversation.

At least I hope.

"Support, a group, a loyal and trustworthy group, Gryffindor can give you that, but, when you saw those three you felt happy but sadness and loneliness filled you.. And you think you're a... Monster?" There comes a long pause, silence, nothing moves or breathes, I don't even do it.

"Sounds a lot like someone else I know, though I just met him today, I know his father and your father and very alike..," the Hat perks up and yells, "SLYTHERIN!"

MonsterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin