Parchment 12: Doulde Trouble P

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I finish the last scroll for my Potions class as Mavis is just starting her's, kind of crying over it due to her lack of knowledge, but it's understandable. Not everyone has the same talents or gifts.

"Nebulaaaaa, help me.." Mavis basically cries, sighing I walk over to her and start to help her out once again. It was just a few days ago I was in this similar position, but that night the owl came. Talking about the owl it's still here, and I think it likes Corral, at least that's from my observations. It's healthy once again, I may put it up at the Owlery with the others. I just hope the person who owns this owl isn't freaking out over there missing owl or I am screwed.

"Now you see Mavis-"

"NEBULA!" A scream comes from outside my room, I stop and look at the door. The draping shadow that underneath means one person and one person only. Pansy. "YOU BETTER COME OUT OR IM COMING IN!"

Mavis wraps her arm around mine and holds on tightly, shaking slightly also. Why, why does she want me now?


"COME OUT HERE INSTEAD!" The shrilling screaming makes Drew's ears go flat against his skull and his eyes become thin slits. I may look calm but I am so nervous, my stomach is in knots and I want to cut them all out as soon as possible.

"Don't do it.." Mavis whispers, I shrug my shoulders and open the door. Then a hand grabs my shoulder and jerks me out of the room putting me down to the floor. Well, should have seen that coming. I wipe my mouth making sure there isn't any blood, yet...

"What do you want.."

"I WANT YOU TO LEAVE!" Reaching down she takes a chunk of my hair and starts dragging me on the ground like she would have done to a doll when she was younger. I don't bother fighting back, though I know we are the center of attention as she keeps pulling me through the common room and outside.

Then after going down many stairs, probably earning too many bruises to count, she finally stops. Letting go she just stares down at me, hate, anger, confusion, and a burning fire fills her eyes. Something that isn't easy to tame or control, I absolutely love these kinds of situations. I'm with my mom all over again.

"You need to leave.." She hisses, I stay quiet and don't answer. Not giving an answer gave her the apparent right to slap me across the face.

"You're nothing to all of us."

"You're a worthless student."

"You're a terrible student."

"You're a failure."

All of these phrases, I've heard them before. Not by classmates of course but from my parents, thinking and saying how no matter what I can't do anything right, no matter how hard I try.

Then from the slap that leads to a kick and so on, I didn't fight back, not like the time with Malfoy. I'm not angry at Pansy, I don't even know why I'm getting treated like this. She sprang this on me quickly and I don't even know the reason why. If there is a reason at all.

But that's when things start to change. There sudden comes a loud booming voice.

"HEY WAT YOU BE A'THINK'IN MISS!" I just see a huge hairy looking, figure? It's either a huge person or a ginormous bear. I can't tell, but by the time Pansy ran off I was knocked out cold. She's weak but, I am too, sometimes, not all the time.

Just in this specific moment, I felt like giving up on everything...


I awake to find myself in a cabin, looking place, it's still neat though, minus the floor of course. Covered in furs and dirt, but yet made of marble stone. The most random thing has to be the tea set that's placed near the fire, it's light pink tint against the red flames.

"Yer a'wakin', thatz good to here," I look up to my right and see a huge, person, all covered in hair, at-at least a majority. His beard is as long as his hair, clothes are made of fine animal skins with a giant fur coat over top of it all with a dark belt wrapped around his stomach area. Quite an interesting fellow. "I waz, startin' to-a wor'y, been out four, wellz, a'out three hors.."

Sitting up I feel the pain come back to my body, well, the bruises will show clean and clear. Thanks, Pansy.

"Where... Who are you..?" I ask, still a little light headed, I can see, but everything is moving, kind of circles.

"Thy cal' me Hagrid. Imma tacher here at Hogs-warts, I tach a'out magic'l cratures thatz be out there in the word, the wizardin' word.." He pokes the fire and I take a glance outside, the moon is almost setting, I've so been here longer than three hours. Just imagine what I've missed, oh, I'm so done.

"Dnt worrre a'out missin' classz, I tod Dumbledore rigt wen I dopped you off, tat Panzy, wat a mess she be in.." He chuckles, I nod my head at his words. Wait, if it's this late then I missed Quidditch practice! And we have a game soon! I groan loudly, resting my hands on my face.

"Today just has sucked," I complain, standing up I head over to the fire. I see a small egg in the corner of his room, judging by the shape and color it's a dragon's egg. My heart skips a beat, I draw my eyes away from it. It's not mine, and it won't be mine, it's Hagrids.

"Why be tat Missz Qust?" Hagrid asks me, sighing I turn around and face him. Though he is about five or seven heads taller than me. Guess I can tell someone at least, even if they won't listen.

"The whole thing with Pansy and Hogwarts, it's great but some of the people make me want to leave and never come back but, at the same time I want to stay and show them.." I openly admit to this stranger that saved me, not three hours ago but more.

"Wellz, yor a, oh, Slythrinnn, there be some nazty peope in dat hose, I don't bame you at allz.." I get offensive but what he says, yes I am put in that house but not everyone is nasty.

"Not all Slytherins are jerks.." I reply sticking up for Mavis and myself, along with anyone I don't know of yet.

"I guez tat be true, lik yur-sef," he says giving a small smile. Hagrid walks over to the corner and picks up the egg, I hold my breath as he picks it up. What if he drops it. What if he break it. What if it hatches in his hands.

"Missz Qust, you be lok'in pal, here be som tea for you," his giant hands delicately give me the egg, a huge rush of excitement comes over me. Hagrid starts a small black kettle made of some type of hard iron, a mixture of two metals. Taking the tea set from near the fire to on to a wooden table he continues to make tea, I believe it's a type of herbal lemon tea.

The egg in my hands move around just a little, something great is inside. Something that just can't wait to come out and see the world...

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