20. Mistakes Have Consequences

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 Such loving hate, hateful love. Such bitter-sweetness in his name.

Again. For the second time in just over a month, Cammy was alone, a unidentifiable  person sprawled on her mattress. And so she had been for somewher close to 8 hours-8 sleepless hours. A cold smoke filled her internally as she lay.

Why did he leave? Why was she so stupid? Why did this have to happen to her?

Mistakes have consequences.

Cammy, the poor girl, could barely breathe. As much as she had anticipated the moment, she had desperately tried to avoid it. She hoped, that somehow, she could ignore it. Bury and it and get past it.

But mistakes always dig them selves up. Justice must be served before a mistake backs down. See that little 'mistake' was hardly forgivable. A mistake is only a mistake if made once, right? And that 'mistake' refused to let an inncenct Jeramiah be lead on into love when dark secrets float beyond the surface.

And they will haunt you until they get what they want.

So thats what happened; Cammy's mistake slowly dug itself up, and made a huge re-appearance to her doom.

Maureen had come over to make up for the lack of time the night before and have some bff time, but what she saw upon entering the room didn't look like her best friend..


"Bubbah, whats wrong? Why you crying?" 

"He's g-gone."    ?

"Who? What are you talking about hun?"


"Jeramiah? What? He's dead?"

"...No..he's gone."

"Erm he's gone for weeks now"

"NO. He came back. He knows what happened, Maureen. And he left. He's gone" Not knowing how to respond, I just hugged her. Cammy was wrong in what she did-but she didnt need to hear that. Jeramiah deserved to be angry- but she didn't need to hear that. It was only a matter of time before this happened and she should have seen it coming- but she didn't need to hear that.

All these things were so true, but as her best friend, I couldn't tell her. She knew it, infact I'd told her before. But now, when her feelings are so.. fragile. It's just not the right time.


"Last night" she sobbed "I came back and I s-saw him on th-the computer and he was watching the video. He saw it. Then I was stupid and I..I said Josh's name instead of Devontae, so he knew it was more than one person. Maureen he was so angry. I can't let this happen, I love him. I LOVE HIM"

"Shhh baby, it's okay. Alright, it will be okay. You made a mistake, everyone does. But a mistake is only a mistake if it's made once okay? Look at me. You have to look back and your mistakes and learn from them. Analyse them and see what you did wrong.. and find a solution so it doesn't repeat itself"

Cammy simply nodded, taking in what I was saying.

"Now lets go get something to eat child, you aint goin' skinny on me" Cammy laughed and I was happy to be able to revive my best friend.

We headed off downstairs, ate watched TV with Christiana and Cammy's mum.

Afterwards, at around 5pm, I went to see my BABYYYY Omaari at his house a not  too far away.

"Yoo beautiful" He greeted me with a huge bear hug and nozzled his nose into my neck making me giggle.

"Stop it" He carried on.  "Omaari.. Omar... OMAARI!" The tickling sensation stopped as he looked up with a mischeivous grin.

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