16. A Shubsz Is Always Drama / Moment Of Truth

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Ello guys, remember to comment on Boys II Men if you want it to become a story ;)  Imma post the link somewhere    |         Down there at the end.. Anypoo...


Oh you fancy huh

Oh you fancy huh

Oh you fancy huh

Oh you fancy huh

Nails done Hair done Everything did

N-n-nails done hair done everything big

Oh you fancy huh

Fancy by Drake, SwizzBeats and T.I  blasted through the stero as Maureen and I got ready for what I hoped would be an unforgettable night.

There would be camera's, mini interviews, so people were dressing to impress.

There was also gonna be some sort of People's Choice Best Dressed King and Queen.

Not used to all of that stuff coz its American usually but i do not care boy. Thats one sexy tiara and it would be perfect with my strapless red dress with an embellished neckline.

Maureen already said she doesnt care about that stuff so there was no competition really. Otherwise, I'd be  shook.

She looked PIFFFFF in her yellow body con backless dress. 

Wowzer. If I were a boy... Chaiii

"Are you gonna do your eyebrows chica?"

"I'm not really feeling for the pain at the moment"

"Hmm Let me get my blade and concealer" -_- Swear i said NO PAIN and my girls getting a blade?

It was actually painless. Like all I felt were scratches. And she added concealer which "sharpens the appearance of the line" and then some highlighter to make the light reflect off it. I swear this girls been watching too much AndreasChoice.

We finished off our make up, simply applying liquid liner, some gold smokey shimmer and bronzer to our cheek. Not wanting to over do it, went for a simple coat of gloss and Maureen applied the same with a hint of peachy colour to line her perfect pout.

She stared at me " Youre winning that tiara you know"

I surpressed a smile "Do NOT get me gassed right now"

"All my London girls, let me see your hands, waving at them bitches hating on you with their friends girl you got it. Let em know that everything; big nails done hair done everything big" 

We skanked  our way downstairs to eat and off we went as soon as the taxi arrived.

For some reason, the song I'm Coming Home by Diddy Dirty Money and Skylar Grey was embedded in my mind. It just started to feel.. like it had a meaning. 

Hmm, i dont know Diddy seems to be good at that. Maureen and I were now singing along-not very well- to Angels by DDM ft Biggie and Rick Ross= TUNE! 

We got onto a street full of beautiful mansions with huge gates at the entrance. Royalty.

The driver stopped and I looked outside the window. I gasped shocked "Say it aint so that house is  chuuuung!"

The driver replied " It aint so sweetheart, the house your looking for is across the street. He pointed to what I can honestly say was one of the most beautiful, luxourious houses I had ever seen in my 15 years of life.

The dancefloor was maaaud and it was soo live. I swear people were going HARD with their dancing and I loved it.

Pon De Floor - not the dumb Beyonce version that some girls got gassed on. So yeah it came on and the Jamo's got gassed so obviously, being part Jamo, I did too, dancing with Devontae who had come looking criiiisp and fly.

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