10.Lies & Deceit

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<<Links for Chapter 8 Recollections & Revelations   and Chapter 9 Tears Of Regret  juss in case you had a problemm. Cooommmmennnnt nd voteee. x  To ze story....


Arghhh, what does this girl want now? She's been phoning for baaare long and she doesnt understand or get a frikkin hint that  I dont wanna hear her sob story about Jeramiah going Nigeria. Imma stop being fake about it soon. Real g's move in silence like lasagne alie?

And I'm a real g like OG

Fuck with me and get knocked out dizzy

You zimme?

I dont give two sh*ts. She gets what she deserves, plain and simple.

I was putting away my hair curlers when my sister walked in to my room.

"Kaylah, beg you gimme your foundation and that black and brown wig. Errm, I need your contacts too."

"Why do you need all that stuff?" I got up to give it to her.

"Need to look ... different"

She put on all the things, perfecting the look to be not trashy but boom. When she was done, I analysed her closely and noticed

"Hey, you look like that girl. Ahhh whats her name?-"

"Yeah, I know. Thats the point bubsz. And, oh hows that Cammy girl- your friend?"

I rolled my eyes and continued packing my hair stuff away leaving the Olive spray and gloss.

"Don't even get me started on that girl." I said, she looked quizzically.

"Kay, what you on? Swear down she's your bestie?"

"Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what? What happened?"

"Oh yeeaaaahh, you long arse was in bin. Yeah lemme explain. Basically, it started when.... "

I explained the entire story to my sister and she looked like she wanted to lecture me or tell me I´m wrong.

"Kristiella, I BEG you dont get involved."

"Wait. Are you even sure she did that? You might have been misinformed yu knah. And truss me when I say you dont wanna lose your bestie over sumthing that might not even be true" she warned buh to be honest I werent bothered.

I was too pissed to be asked.

"Anyways, I'm out Kris"

"Where to babe?"

"Dont worry juss some breh's house, what about you"

"Same. Kind of. Good thing Dad aint home boy"


I sprayed my hair with the Olive gloss and Kristiella used some too. Kmt thats how she'll come telling me I finished her stuff. Ahh well.

We both got our jackets on and went down stairs.

We left and walked to the bustop coz we were going towards the same way.

"Oi oi. Is that Kris and Kay looking spiiiice. Shit is that.. wait that aint Kris" Oh shyzer.

We turned toward the bustop and walked VERY fast. I dont think Kristiella's cover needed to be blown- I didnt know the story yet but I'm sure it wont be seen on normally to walk around impersonating another person. Yeah. Not really. And I had a feeling from the way Kris was dressed, she wasn't doing the girl any favours.

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