What does this mean? I've lost this job! No way this can't happen I wish this is a dream. But I knew it isn't.

"Thanks Lottie for working in this company in fact running This company... Tomorrow onwards Styles would be taking over all this... Thanks Lottie now you may leave" his eyes were getting glassy

"But Shawn..." I spoke up

"Just leave Lottie I wanna be alone and don't try anything nothing can be done" he said cutting me off.

I turned and opened the door slowly going out

"And yeah I almost forgot.. Please tell the employees about it and tell them not to worry cause I'll issue experience certificate for everyone working here and special one for you.... Hope you find a job soon" he said as I was going out

"Why don't you say it yourself?"

"I don't know how to face them... Please this will be the last favor you do for me" he pleaded

I just nodpded in return. As soon as I was out every one were staring at me I had no clue what to say

"Look guys, company has encountered an inner problem so now... Mendes event managing company is gonna be shut permanently..." I could hear sounds of exclamation. I continued "so anyway you don't have to worry the company will provide with sufficient documents to get another job... So from tomorrow onwards the company is shut... The fact is you guys were freakin lazy and dumb most of the times but you all were the factors that made company what it is today I'm so proud of you all and I'll never forget you..."

All of them looked miserable and some were already weeping obviously we had such a good time together and more than that we've lost our goddamn jobs.

I was feeling miserable too I finally for the last I said "love you all" and walked out. And drove off with my car. I didn't wanted to go home if mom sees me she's gonna ask me and if I tell her....

I don't wanna worry her. I saw Starbucks and stopped by... This was the first time of me going to Starbucks but I needed hot coffee to think anymore.

I sat down and asked for a coffee. Within some time my table was filled with coffee cups I had no idea how many cups I've drunk. Someone just then sat to the other side of the table

"What happened love? You seemed to be drinkin a lot of coffee..." I didn't even look up at who it was..

"I hate those bloody rich business men" is all that I said.

"I know richness is like a disease...."

"Yeah! A disease that affects others than themselves... Once that shit-bag Harry Styles comes in front of me I swear I'm gonna have his head on a platter..." I growled

He giggled. I looked up in anger. He had kinda long hair, curly locks, bright green eyes and a true husky voice. Just as opened my mouth to shout that him. A man came over and said

"Excuse Mr. Styles the car's waiting for you outside" man went outside I was completely shocked that I spoke so much about him in front of him... But I didn't regret it.

He got up to leave "I'm Harry Styles, a rich business man" he said mimicking me...

"Hey nice to meet you Harry Styles by the way I'm Lottie Morganston one among the many employees who lost her job because of you" I gave a smile in disgust.

"Oh no love your getting it wrong they didn't loose their jobs I'm re-employing them in my company... Anyway bye I'm getting late" he waved of bye and also waved of all my tension.

I still feel bad got Shawn and his dad.

I happily went back home met everyone had some family time and went to bed.


I got up really early today did everything fast. And drove to office how much ever I tried it was 5minutes late. Everyone was in their usual place and they looked happy.

I went into my cabin but there someone else was already there and were taking out my stuffs.

"Who the hell are you bitch and how dare you touch my stuffs?" I asked the girl long blonde hair.

"Excuse me mind your tongue I was told that this is the assistant's cabin and I'm set up my stuffs" she explained rather rudely

"Hey what are you blabbering I'm the boss's assistant" I defended myself

"Please go clarify your doubt with Mr. Styles he's in his office" she said pointing towards the door

Something told me not to argue so I just went into the office. Harry looked at me alarmed

"Didn't anyone teach you the adequate of knocking?" He said

"But Mr. Styles..." I tried to ignore his question but he showed his hand signaling to stop.

"Cool down and speak clearly what do you want" he said

"Mr. Styles-"

"It's Harry." He corrected me

"Harry you said that you're gonna give us back our job but there's some other girl is in my cabin"

"Wait hold on I never mentioned you, I said they will be rejoining I've got another assistant so please find another job" he said in smooth voice.

What the fuck! I really have lost my job!!!

Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now