Chapter 2

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so I'm guessing your wondering what happened that would change my senior year completely? Yeah, well something did, and it was bad. In my school there are three people types, the invisible people, the people you know about but don't talk to, and the populars. I bumped into to someone running out of my class going to wherever I was going, and I bet with such a cliche as it is you can guess which kind of person I bumped into. But lucky for me, it wasn't one of the football team. It was just a cheerleader. When I say lucky I mean only by, how do you say, 0.0001% maybe? Not much different but still, it was lucky. I hate cheerleaders for this and only this reason:

Me: "s-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you"

Cheerleader, just so happens to be head cheerleader says," ugh, some brat just bumped me! Oh my god! I broke a nail!!!," she screamed quite loudly for my ears sake," you, nerd" she had continued, " you owe me something, nobody bumps into me, so, to pay for that, you are going to have to.... Hmmm... Do my homework for the next week, I've got places to go."

so, she gave me her homework schedule, and I wasn't even sure till then that she was serious, so, being the stupid freak I am, I said something I wish I hadn't:

" you freaking b*tch! I'm not you damn slave, you bumped me, so you are gonna shut your mouth and-"

"GIRLS!" and that was where it all went wrong, Mr Pontal, the principal." I don't not want to know what on earth is going on here but I do know you are now five minutes late for class, and Ms. Roninson, I would never expect such language from such and outstanding pupil like you. Both you and Ms. Bell here to my office, NOW!"

I'm not the kind of person to disobey Mr Pontal, so I went straight behind him, obviously, cheerleader thought the same. For some reason, it was a weirdly long walk to an office just around the corner but I guess it was the weird butterfly feeling in the pit of m stomach that told me it was just anxiety. I could hear Clara's (

yes Clara Bell head cheerleader) slightly heeled shoes walking next to me, it was so annoying, I mean who wears heels to school, I mean, aren't they bad for your ankles? But

anyway, we eventually got to Mr Pontals office, when I realised, I just left my best friend standing in the hallway while she witnessed my not very nice annoyed side, what a great

friend I am, note the sarcasm in that.

I sat down in the comfy couch opposite Clara. It was weird, in Elementry school, we used to be best friends. We played princesses, and had sleep overs and everything, then one summer my family surprised me and we went on a long holiday, so when I got back I was so excited to tell her, but she just told me she never wanted to see me again. Middle school and now high school had gone by and we haven't even looked at eachother since. Weird


"-Annie, are you listening to me?"

I turned my head in surprise, was I daydreaming? Again?

"yeah, you were" a new voice said, I looked around, oh yeah, she was there too.

Wait, I was thinking outloud? Again? I mean, I really need to stop, doing that. It wasn't good.

"Annie? Listen girl!" Mr Pontal yelled.

"yes sir?""I was just saying that for this instead of detention you and Clara will have to do two hours of helping around the football team. They need help filling water for practice and giving towels out too, so for the next two weeks you will be at every practice, I'm sure Coach May will love some help with timing too. And I hope you girls learn that you must act your age, and not scream during class times. Dismissed, and I think you have another class to go to now Ms. Roninson up now!"

I could not believe he just told me I had to work with a bunch of egotistic jerks for two weeks!

I could not stand them, they were all sweaty and eugh, and then I would have to deal with 'Ms Bell' and her 'ph so hot' boyfriend making out during all the breaks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not Girly, cause I could kick any boys but at FIFA, or call of duty too. My whole wardrobe consists of tshirts like greenday and Coldplay. I love them. But something I don't like is boys with egos so big they can't see past their nose.

While I was thinking of how much I hate footballers and their girlfriends, I realised I was gonna be late for my double AP English. My favourite class! I was literally running along the halls while kids were walking to their next class as the late bell went off. Sh*t. I was late, the teacher was already in the class, but I walked in anyway, hoping I wasn't too late. Zoe was already sitting in her seat as Mrs. Manley turned to me;

" why are you late Anne, class started five minutes ago. You must know I do not tolerate lateness in my class. Why where you late now girl?"

"I-I was at the p-principals office ma'am.."

"Ahhh, ok dear, now go to your seat, we were just discussing partners for the new English project, I will announce partners in five minutes, ill just go get the sheets from my office now, be quiet while I'm gone"

And just like that she swept out the way teachers do off to her office. I had only just realised that everyone was starring at me. Of course they were, I was never late, and I was never sent to the principles office, ever. Zoe turned around to me, here big blue eyes wide with fear. Zoe was what you could call beautiful, but she was pretty in her own way, she had tanned skin, thick brown hair, and a heart shaped head, she would be like a mix between Hilary duff and Selena Gomez. I however was the opposite, I had pale skins, with an oval shaped head, and brown eyes that are probably big enough to freak a person put. My body wasn't exactly what you would call curvy, it was straight and bony, and o wasn't exactly sure how me having such long pitch black hair helped either. Zoe didnt even say anything to me, she just wiggled her eyebrows suggestively meaning she wanted to know what happened after school, asap. Only an hour left, then I can tell. But then I have to go to that stupid football practice.

Mrs manley walked in exactly five minutes later with a sheet of paper, I would probably be pair with Zoe cause we work well together. So she started calling out names, Me first cause of the Anne,

" Anne Roninson, I would like you to work with our new student in this class," my eyes snapped up at that, there was someone new? Who? What? Aww man no, I don't like where this is going. " Charlie March"

Wait, I bet your thinking whats so bad about Charlie March. Well this, he's the best friend to the captin of the football team, the captin just so happens to be Clara's boyfriends, so that means double time with Egotistic jerks for the next two weeks, I'm just lucky it's two weeks not the whole semester, oh wait, it's a five week project. Such brilliance! Note again my very sarcastic voice while you read this.

An hour, I watched the clock while Mrs Manley gave us time to get to know our partners and I didn't even get to see Zoe till after class. The only thing that we talked about while getting to know eachother was me getting straight to my point, as always:

"Hi, I'm Anne, don't call me Annie. And if you don't do your part of this project, and we get lower than an A, you won't last a week in this class. So I do my part, you do yours, and I'm not here to mess around. So it's either work or nothing."

I guess maybe I was a little to harsh but it was needed, for him, he would probably think he could play me, well he cant, to bad, butt god even his smirk was full of ego.

"Calm down Roninson, I would never play a girl like you, your to bony, and probably don't know a thing about anything but books. And I can get an A with or without you. So, get over yourself smart ass."

I was so shocked by how immature this guy was, really?

" I could kick your ass at Call of Duty and FIFA, to FIFA your ass jerk."

"oh, it's on girlie" he said, a smirk all over his tanned face, eugh.

Then the bell rang. Finally one and a half hours of football hell then hope. Finally

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