Chapter Sixteen: Home Sweet Home, or Something

Start from the beginning

I finally stood up and went to the living room to find something worth spending time on the television while waiting for him. I flopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. It took me a couple of minutes switching through the channels before settling down on a cooking show. At least it was the least annoying channel. I kept on changing position on the sofa until I got in a comfortable position that I eventually drifted off to sleep.

My eyes opened partly when I felt like I was slowly being carried away. I vaguely saw something, or someone. Against the light, his or her hair darkened the face I was trying to figure out. But the floating atmosphere which felt heavenly good enticed me and I just let the lightness and pleasure took me wherever it was going to take me to. The floating feeling was dream-like.

I closed my eyes again.

The other half part of my body was cold, while the other part, the part closer to that something carrying me, felt very warm, that I unconsciously flipped my body closer to the warmer side, closer to the source of warmth that without even noticing it, I felt myself, particularly my face, snuggling to a very aromatic piece of cloth.

It was then I heard a loud beating.

A heart beat?

It sure was a heartbeat, and it was beating faster and faster.

I snuggled even closer, as if there was even more possibility of getting to the center of that warmness that I longed and craved, closer to that heartbeat as if it was calling my name. Everything was warm. Everything was cozy. I was totally clothed by this unknown warmness that I didn't want to move anymore. To stay still like this forever, or for just another minute at least.

"S-so w-warm.." I muttered.

It was then that I felt pair of warm lips touched my forehead that I my eyes instantly flew open.

"Drew?!" I moved away so suddenly that I could have fallen off if only he hadn't tightened his hold on me.

I just can't believe it! He's carrying me? Bridal style?! I cupped half of my face when I noticed how embarrassingly and incredibly intimate this position we got. "Are you taking advantage of me?!"

"What? Of course not!" He strongly reasoned out. "It's just that I found you sleeping uncomfortably on the couch and decided myself that I should carry you back to your room." He lightly smiled.

I raised an eyebrow at him accusingly. I pulled myself back a bit from his carrying arms, but close enough still to be called intimate. "Are you sure that's all there is?"

"No perverted intentions?"

"Oh come on is that all I am to you?" He exasperated, and sighed right after. "Well, you looked unfair, so uhm." He shifted his eyes from me uncomfortably before continuing. "That is why I kissed your forehead."

"How am I unfair?" I replied, both of my hands still covering my mouth and nose in a poor attempt at hiding how my face was blinking multiple shades of red or that I was literally overflowing with embarrassment right from the tip of my toes up to each strand of my hair on my head. And the ginormous butterflies fluttering in my stomach seemed to have become more wild and rabid, fluttering even more annoyingly in each corner of my probably-wrecked gut.

"When you snuggled close to me..."

Oh my freaking god! I freaking did snuggled freaking close to him!

"You looked so calm, cute, adorable and.."

"And?" Someone please tell my heart to slow down, I can no longer take it.

" heart sped up that I couldn't help but..."

"Help but?"

"..kiss you.."

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