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"Her? Beautiful? She wishes. She is the ugliest creature I have ever had the misfortune of meeting" he sneers at me.

Everyone stares at him in shock, apparently not used to their band mate and best friend being this rude to anyone, man or woman, even less his fiancee.

I stare at him, tears burning my eyes, begging to be released. What have I ever done to him? Does he not realize that this is affecting me too? That the beginning of my  life has just been taken away from me too? That I didn't ask for this stupid arrangement to happen?

He doesn't  realize that my life has been snatched away too, not just his. We both don't want this but there's no reason for him to act like this.

"Zayn, you know you don't mean that, stop being so rude and apologize to this gorgeous young lady" Louis tells him, taking on the role of the mature one, something rare for him, his tone of voice showing his annoyance and seriousness towards his mate.

Louis and the rest of the boys would side with him, so Louis siding with me must have annoyed him because his friends were taking my side, protecting me form the harsh words being thrown at me by Zayn.

"How can you say that about her? Do you not have any manners? You don't treat a lady like that!" Niall exclaims, frustrated that Zayn was being so rude, something that he had never really witnessed with  Zayn, a young man who never disrespected or mistreated anyone.

I look at the men surrounding me, amazed that these strangers were defending me against the man that I will now have to live with throughout the rest of my life.

"Fuck this, I'm leaving"  Zayn exclaims, throwing his hands in the air while walking away to what I  can only presume is his bedroom, or err, our bedroom? Not really sure if were going to be sleeping together.

I turn to face the rest of the boys, the tears from all of my  mixed emotions finally falling, when I realize that somehow I managed to  stay in Nialls arms throughout all of this little argument.

The moment Niall realizes I'm crying, he pulls me close to him, engulfing me in the warmth of his body. Suddenly I feel three other hands on me while I softly cry on Nialls probably expensive shirt, ruining it. I feel a hand start to run through my hair and two other hands on my back, rubbing soothing circles while Niall attempts to calm me down, whispering in my ear that everything will be okay, not to worry, anything to calm me down basically.

After who knows how long, the boys except Niall apologize, saying they have to get on their way because its getting late. After they leave, I manage to stop crying and look up to Niall, My cheek still wet with a few remaining tears.

"Why did you stay here with me, when you could have left with the boys and not have had to worry about me?" I ask him, honestly confused at why he was willing to stay here with me, I mean I'm a mess, he could have very easily just left me alone with Zayn.

"Love, I wouldn't leave you alone just because I don't want to deal with a few tears. If you're down, trust me, I will stay with you until the very moment you feel better. I don't mind taking care of you love, I want you to feel relaxed and loved, Its your first day in London,  you shouldn't be crying, you should be excited. Now come on, get your things, your staying at mines until you and Zayny boy here calm down okay?"  He  asks me, sincerely offering me all of this advice and his home.

I happily go get my suitcase with my clothes and my hand bag, heading towards Niall, willing to leave this house I am now supposed to call home when he takes hold  of both my suitcase and my handbag, offering to let me walk in front of him, I shyly start walking, in front of him, suddenly the idea of me staying at Nialls house not so great, though I didn't say anything, because he was taking the time to let me stay over at his house.

We continue on to his car, with this gentleman opening the car door for me and then swiftly walking over to his side of the car and driving us to his house. 

We arrive to his house though its very dark outside so I can't really see how big the house is or that many details. Once we get inside he takes my things to what I assume can only be his room. I look to him confused, thinking that he would have taken me to his guest room, not his bedroom.

"Sorry love, the guest room is filled with furniture that I need to place around the house, so you'll have to stay in my room, I hope that's okay?"  he asks me, lightly chuckling.

I guess it won't hurt to sleep in here, anyways, something tells me he won't try to do anything.

We go on to get ready for bed and talk, actually get to know each other a little bit.

Once we head to bed, I realize that with his air conditioning, his house is quite cold, so I turn to him, and get closer to him, about to ask him if i could cuddle with him when he suddenly pulled me to his body and laughed a little.

"I know its cold, and I like to cuddle too, so don't worry babe" he tells me.

As I start to fall asleep, I find myself thinking about how I wish it were him that I had to get married to, not Zayn. I have a huge crush  on him, and today has made that crush even bigger.

I find myself thinking that I could live like this, falling asleep next to Niall for the rest of my life.

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