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I woke up suddenly, aware that it was the middle of the night, for no apparent reason. I realize that I have a arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Its zayn's muscular arm. I feel his light breaths on the back of my neck and his chest moving against my back with every breath he takes.

As much as I hate him touching me, I don't attempt to move away from him and his overwhelming heat. The room feels like if the A/C is on full blast, so I decide to just go back to sleep.

I try not to think about the fact that this fuckers touching me, though I AM the one who wrapped my arms around him before falling asleep, so I think I have a hand in him snuggling up to me. I try to just think about the heat radiating off of his body, the heat that's keeping my ass from freezing in this hotel room from the Arctic. I start to think about my previous plans, before all of this shit got thrown at me.

I try to imagine that Zayn never came to my house this morning, that the bomb wasn't thrown at me about me marrying this man I don't even know, and that my life is now ruined. I try to think that this basically never happened and I slowly start to drift of back to sleep.

The last thing I remember before falling unconscious is feeling myself snuggling up to Zayn even more than I thought was possible, and him tightening his hold on me and snuggling his head even deeper into my neck.


"Wake up" I hear a gruff voice mumble to me angrily while shaking me, practically making me roll off the bed.

"Stop it" I mumble. the room is freezing, and the fact that I have to be in the same room 24/7 with Zayn simply irritates me, not including the fact that he acts like if I'm below him, like an animal or something.

"Wake the fuck up already, you gotta shower, mom and dad want to go to breakfast before we head for the airport". He says all of this while glaring at me, his brown eyes filled with ice cold venom, his face filled with stubble and his mouth in a horrible frown that really doesn't suit him. Not at all.

I try to return the icy glare and frown that hes giving me, mad that he manages to piss me off so early in the morning. Apparently it worked because he growled, squinting his eyes even more than before, and turned to go sit on the couch.

I stand to get my clothes and toiletries, heading straight for the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and tears start to slowly fall from my eyes.

The girl's eyes starring back at me aren't mine. They look cold, lost, tired, with no ounce of happiness in them.

Is this how my whole life is going to be now? Is waking up next to Zayn for the rest of my life going to be this bad? or worse?

I don't want this, I don't want to live my life in this hell provided by Zayn.

I look away from the mirror and start to slowly and gingerly take my clothes off while I wait for the water to cool enough for me to be able to stand the heat. The tears keep falling down my cheeks until I finally get into the shower and then the tears start to mix with the water.

After a few minutes my muscles start to relax under the nice and warm water and I start to shave and then scrub my body with my delicious smelling body wash.

After im finally done with my shower, I just stand there, letting the water just pour over all of my body, enjoying the simplicity of water massaging your body.

All of a sudden, I hear the door open and see Zayn's body approaching the shower. I look out from the shower curtain, using it to cover my body.

"The fuck do you think you're doing? Who told you that you could walk in here while I'm fucking taking a shower you cunt!!" I scream to him in rage.

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