The Introductions

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I look at Zayn walking away from me in shock and anger.

I cannot believe this jerk really just left me at the airport all alone in a country I don't even know how to get around in, without any English money, his address or phone number, or anyone to help me. That ass! I cannot believe him.

The shock finally wore off after a few seconds and I slowly felt a lump in my throat and my eyes start to fill up with the tears. I start to sit on the ground when the slow tears start to rapidly fall from my eyes and my crying turns into sobbing.

I put my face in my hands and suddenly feel arms wrap around me.

I look up to find a guy around my age is the one holding me . His eyes hold a million questions for me.

"what's wrong babe?" the guy asked me, complete sincerity in his eyes as he asked this.

I look up to him, face next to his, and feel the need to tell him what I'm feeling.

"My fiancee just left me here all alone. I don't know where he lives or what's his number! I don't even have money for here, or know how to get anywhere" I sob miserably into his blue plaid shirt, leaving it soaking wet with my tears.

" What am I supposed to do now?" I practically wail onto his shoulder, trying to maintain some self pride and hide my face from anyone passing by.

He looks at me when I dare lift my head up, compassion filling his eyes, and gives me a sad smile.

"Everything will be okay" he tells me, and for a moment, I actually believe him, when I hear a car screech to a halt a few meters away from us and a door slam.

"The fuck are you doing with my fiancee?" we suddenly hear zayn growl at Andrew from above us.

I look up, eyes filled with tears and anger towards this douchebag.

I can't believe that he sees me crying in another mans arms and what he cares about most is Andrew, not my feelings and the reason I'm crying, no this ass only cares about his pride.

I mean we don't even like each other, what other reason could there be for him  

To be causing such a scene?

Suddenly I feel Andrew remove his arms from where just moments ago they were snuggling me to his body. I look up and I find that Andrew has stood up, facing a fuming zayn who looks like he's about to rip someone's eyes out.

"Excuse you?YOUR fiancee? From what she's told me, you don't love her, your just fucking with her, you arse. I don't believe you have the right to call her your fiancee. She isn't even your girlfriend, or even a acquaintance. Stop causing a scene and leave her alone." He tells Zayn in a regular voice, but anger and power very clear in his voice.

Fear suddenly runs through my veins.

No not fear at Zayn, but at these two men making this scandal out here, and somehow our parents finding out about this, and how it started, or even worse, the media finding out.

"Mireya get your arse in the car.Now." Zayn growls at me.

"Um, what? No. I'm not gonna do what you tell me to. Unless you've forgotten in a full grown adult. Your not gonna tell me what I should or shouldn't do." I state matter of factly,anger in my voice.

Zayn turns to look at me, a look that tells me I'm gonna get it later and turns back to Andrew who is standing, just fuming, staring at Zayn.

All of a sudden I just see Zayns fist fly up into the air, landing on Andrews face.

I cannot believe he just punched Andrew!

As I run over to make sure he's okay zayn grabs my arm and drags me to his car, fuming, while I look out the window to see Andrew holding his cheek and starring sadly at me.

"I can't believe you actually caused a scene with Andrew and punched him." I tell Zayn exasperated.

Zayn causing such a scene really irritated me, a grown man acting like such a small child is simply unbelievable.

It was like watching two little kids fighting for the white crayon, they don't really need it, and won't use it, but want to be the owner of it to gloat what they have and the other doesn't.

This is what I feel happened just moments ago, Zayn wanted to gloat, and to a complete stranger, but took it too far in this ordeal.

I snap my eyes to the right to look at Zayn clutching the steering wheel, his knuckles ghostly white, and ignoring me.

"I'm talking to you Zayn, don't ignore me like the child that you are" I angrily tell him.

"I don't owe any explanation to you, I don't have to tell you anything, though you do owe me one, why the fuck were you all up on a fucking stranger?" he asks me clearly infuriated.

"The  only reason I was with him was because i was basically having a fucking panic attack at the airport, at the thought of being left alone in a unfamiliar country, overseas from my fucking home you dipshit!" I tell him, screaming by the end of this.

He stops the car and looks at me, anger in his strangely dark eyes.

He abruptly exits the car and goes towards the trunk of the car, oh sorry the "boot" now that I'm across the pond.

I realize that we  finally arrived at his home, THE Zayn Maliks home, which every fan girl fantasizes about entering, though it doesn't really seem like an honor to me, more like a nightmare really, when I realize this will be my home from now and probably forever until Zayn decides otherwise.

i stayed in the car a few more seconds, thinking about how once I entered his house, there was no going back. The end  of the end.

Okay so maybe  I'm being a little melodramatic, I know, but that's what it felt like.

A pounding on the right side window brought me back to reality,

"You staying in the car all day, or you coming inside?" he asked, clearly annoyed.

I sigh and slowly reach for the door handle, taking my time to exit the car.

I walk towards the back of the car, taking one suitcase of mine out of Zayns hand and follow behind him,  tugging it up the small four steps up to the front door.

Zayn unlocks the door and proceeds to walk in, leaving me to follow him inside two steps taken into my new home, I realize I hear a tv playing a soccer match and male voices cheering at the tv.

I stop, realizing that the boys were in Zayns house, and well technically my new home.

Zayn left all the suitcases in the hall and proceeded to walk into a doorway to the left, and all you could hear were five male voices shouting and feet pounding on wooden floor.

I gingerly recline the suitcase in my hold against the wall and start walking towards the direction Zayn had headed in.

I awkwardly stood in the wide doorway taking in the sight before me.

Five adult males in a group hug on the floor, a huge pile of limbs laughing and joking around, acting like they did years ago at the beginning of their career,  something I haven't seen in a while.

I stand in the doorway, feeling extremely awkward for some ten minutes until a pair of chocolate colored eyes suddenly landed on me and stopped everything he was doing.

Almost like dominoes, everyone stopped their laughing and joking around and turned to look at what had distracted Liam, me.

Zayns eyes were the last to focus on me, and with a strangled sigh, he untangled himself and stood.

Rubbing his face, he walked over to me and said "Lads, This is my fiancee my parents got me."

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