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Tina POV:

After leaving the Lunch Site, I headed to Tyler's room, hoping no one would see me. I was successful. Once I get back into his cabin I head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and notice how gross I looked after just hopping up and leaving for breakfast. I squirted some of Tyler's exfoliating wash onto my hand and worked that into the desperately dehydrated pores of my skin. I lean down to rinse it off of my face, thoroughly trying to make sure it was all off. I hear a notification noise from my phone that sounded a lot closer than where I remember leaving it, but I continue to rinse. I feel for the towel on the counter with squinted eyes. Once I grab the towel, I pat my face dry and look up.

"OH MY GOD! FUCK!", I scream as I look in the mirror to find Tyler standing right behind me and Jasper and Taco outside of the bathroom recording.

Even after calming my nerves I was still so energetic because I had missed Tyler so much just after a few days.

I turned around and proceeded to bombard him with kisses and the tightest hug ever.

"Tyler I missed you so much. Are you okay?", I then ask

"Of course. They wouldn't have let me out if I wasn't. ", he replies with his normal deep voice that I had missed all so much.

I grab his hand and push Taco and Jas out of the doorway and pull Tyler to come sit down on the bed.

"We're gonna go man, hit us up if you need anything, aight", Taco says as him and Jasper head out of the front door.

"Alright, bro", Tyler had replied

I didn't even know what to say. Only tears came to my eyes. I can't believe how much I could've missed someone that I've only meet not long ago.

"What's wrong, Tiny?"

He pulls me into his chest and hugs me while I continue to cry. But as I finally pull myself together, I had the courage to finally express myself.

"Tyler I've never felt so strongly about somebody that I've only known for not even a full month. That sounds bad. But it's not. That shows that I really really like you. I know you may not be used to being too affectionate or even just being in a committed relationship. But I trust you... One hundred percent. And yes, I would like to know what happened that night to make you do what you did. But I understand if you never want to speak about it again", I say to him

"Tina... This is what happened"


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