Missing you

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A/N: Ahh! You guys, I went to The Madness Tour the day before yesterday. My baby Abel killed it! I hope he enjoyed being in Atlanta and comes back soon. And with that, I'm writing a The Weeknd fan fiction as well so check that out. It's called "Preacher's Daughter". Anyways, enjoy
Tina POV:

"They said I'll be able to leave tomorrow", Tyler says with a faint smile

"I hated sleeping last night, not knowing if you were okay, Tyler."

"Stay with me tonight then", he suggested

I would love to but I don't want to seem too clingy.

"No, Tyler. I don't want to bother you. I'll wait patiently for you to come back.", I say, making the mature choice

"Aight, Tina. But if you want to, you can sleep in my cabin tonight."

That.. I couldn't decline

"O-okay", I say with a slight smile.

He points to a chair that had his cabin room key laying on it.

I walk slowly over to pick it up and then looked back at Tyler. He had a neutral face. I walked over to him in his bed, and gave him a peck on the lips. His face hadn't changed. As I headed to the door...

"I-I love you, Tina", he'd hesitated to say

"I love you so much more, Tyler. I'll be waiting for you when you get back..", I smile as I open the door and head out.

Taco and Jasper follow behind me.

They take me back to the camp and we stop by my room for me to get some of my stuff before they drop me off at Tyler's cabin.

I grab the key to Tyler's room and open the door. I waved to Taco and Jasper as they pulled off and I closed the door.

It's a mess in here. I'm not exactly sure what Tyler went through in order for him to have broken like that. But I never want to see it again, and I don't mind never knowing what happened if it keeps him from being depressed all over again. But I didn't want him to come back to this room and be reminded of whatever happened.

I turn on the tv and clean up and give his room some sort of positive life again.

I get under his camp flog gnaw blanket and watch tv, starting to miss his presence again.

I just wish he'd come back to me already. He doesn't even know how much loving I'm going to show him.

Something I've noticed about myself is that I try to not be too clingy, annoying, bothering. But at the same time, I may come off as a bitch for that. Or just someone who plainly doesn't care. But Tyler doesn't realize, I love him with my ENTIRE heart. And I've never said that about anyone else, honestly.


A/N: I know this chapter is short but the next is coming very soon, and as I said, check out my The Weeknd Fan Fic please. Love you guys. Xo

Camp ~Tyler the Creator Story~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant