Duskie's Philosphy

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Hallo. :3 Duskie here, with some of the philosophical questions that I've been wondering about since last week.

If humans are part of nature, then does it not mean that so are the things we create and build? Aren't they created by nature itself if humans and nature and all they do is part of nature? And if one were to say that things built by humans and artificial, then why are such things as termite or weaver bird nest considered as parts of nature and not things such as buildings and synthetic materials? Does it not mean that there is no such thing as artificial and that things such as global warming and climate change are part of nature because we are part of nature and so the things we do and the impact we have upon the Earth is part of nature? Look at whatever killed the dinosaurs. It is called nature isn't it? Are things from space nature? Or does nature only mean things that are living? But then, why would rocks be part of nature? Whatever killed the dinosaurs made way for smaller mammals, and in essence, us. It was nature's way of clearing out itself. So then, wouldn't global warming be its way of cleansing itself from humans? Could it be that nature itself is a great force and humanity is like a plague to it, one that eats off of its nutrients and slowly destroys its body? Does that mean we shouldn't care about global warming because humans are eventually going to die out and so are the animals that we murder, in some or other that is always nature if humans are part of nature? 

Or, is the definition of 'nature' supposed to be anything that is non-human related?

Phew. I'm done.

I was talking to my tablemates about this in Humanities and then my English teacher just came over and joined the discussion. XD

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