Where's Emma?

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Jax's POV:
As I departed ways with my fiends, I kinda find it strange that why would the masked man won't kill us now? If he already have the chosen one, why keep us alive? Why won't he just kill us now? I can't figure that out, although, in curious what he's really after, I can't think straight if Emma's not with me now. I just have to find her, I just have to. It's something that I must do. Anyhow, I was just at my house, watching my dad and my past self, as I begun to leave the house and as I did, the surroundings around me started to change once again, as I asked myself, "what time period is this now?"
But I couldn't tell, I was at a forest, it was hot and all I could see around me are trees.
I was sweating as I kept going and walking forward, which didn't stop me. I started losing my strength, but I still kept going forward as I immediately collapse when I can't take it anymore, I found something very familiar and significant in my life.
I then pick it up and stood up as I smiled when u realized that the ring I wan holding right now is the ring that I have to Emma back then as I begun to be Brie determined to find Emma and nothing is going to to stop me. I will find her, I know I will.

Emma's POV:
I was unconscious. But as I started to wake up. I was in a cage underneath a basement, and I'm trapped. I tried using my magic to get out, but it looks like that this seen through glass cage is magic proof. I can't get out and I don't even know where I am, the last thing I remember is that the masked man attacked the academy, and Jax and I had an argument. That's pretty much all I remember. I don't even know how I got here. What happened? To tell you the truth, I don't remember much about what happened after the argument I had with Jax in the academy.

I held my head, feeling the pain as I then heard an unexpected voice, "ahh, the chosen one. Are you comfortable with your cage? I tried my best to make you feel at home."
I have him an angry look as I responded, "who are you? What do you want from me? Is it my powers? Well, you can't have them!?"
"Why do people always suspect that I'm after your powers?" He questions my statement as I said softly, "if you're not after my powers, then what are you really after?"
He smirked, "you are the a powerful witch, that's true." He paused as he walked closer towards me. "But I'm just as powerful."
"I'm the chosen one," I stated. "I'm the most powerful magic being in the entire galaxy."

He started chuckling as he told me, "well, then, let me be the first one to beat the odds." He paused and smiled as he chuckled a bit wen he continued, "oh, wait. I already did."

"Who are you?!" I asked me as he scared me a bit, as he slightly smirks at me as I stepped back when walked closer towards me when he started to take off his masks, but when he did. I was shocked a lot when I saw who was the man behind the mask.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Dad?" I questioned.
I didn't know what to do or say. The masked man is my dad. But how did that even happen? He doesn't know anything about the magic realm.
"Oh, that's right," he told me when he realized something. "You don't remember anything."
"What are you talking about?" I questioned him.
"I erased your memory," he said. "That's why you don't remember anything."
"Are you implying that you're actually a wizard?" Emma asked followed by him saying, "oh, I'm not implying it. I'm saying it!"
He gave me that evil grin of his as it scared me a but as I stepped back away from him, not knowing what I'm supposed to do next.

Andi's POV:
The gang and I are looking for Jax. We can't afford to separate at a time like this. We have to find Jax, before something bad will happen. I was too distracted in finding both Emma and Jax, that I didn't even notice that Luke was calling my name for over half an hour, which I didn't think to be that important at that moment.
"Andi!" He called out my name real loud as he got tired of calling me and continued, "we need to talk."
This four words that he just said caught my attention as I face towards him and asked, "Luke? Did you call me?"
"For over an hour," he said. "I need to talk to you?"
"About what?" I asked with a slight smile as he looked nervous to tell me when the others were right next I us, watching and waiting for what Luke has to say.
"Uh," he stuttered and hesitated. "In private, actually. I need to talk to you in private."
They all sighed in frustration.
"Okay?" I said as we both walked away from the group, for us to talk in private.

And as soon as we were alone, I noticed that Luke was frowning, as I asked him, "is everything alright, Preppy?"
He was brought back to realization and kept saying, "uh, yeah. I'm fine. I am."
"Okay?" I said confused. "So, what do we need to talk about?"
"How come you didn't tell me about what you did?" He asked and got straight to the point as I was confused and asked back, "what are you talking about?"
"You almost died when you got in the way of the spell that was about to hit Emma," he stated followed by me saying, "Luke, I had to. She's my best friend."
"Well, I'm your boyfriend," he stated once again followed by me asking, "what does that have to do with anything?"
"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me about it." He finally said upset as I told back to him, "I didn't think it's that important."
"Well, it is." He stated. "You could've died."
"But I didn't." I stated as I looked down, then as I looked back at him, I said, "look, I didn't do it because she's the chosen one. I did it because she's my best friend. And I would do anything for her, she will too."
I walked away as he didn't have anything to say back at me as I sighed when I did.

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