A Disastrous DateZ? Part 2

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Andi's POV:
I really got very worried when I saw him turning back into a zombie then back to a
Human. It must've been a side effect from Emma's spell.
"Philip? Are you okay?" I asked when I saw him unconscious, but still no answer.
I brought him to the emergency room after. I called Emma to come over and asked her what's happening to Philip, but she doesn't know and neither do I. So I just stayed by his side all day and fell asleep on the way.
"Andi?" He said when he's finally waking up as he tried to get up, but I stopped him.
"Philip, don't." I said, pushing him back on his bed. "You need to rest. You're sick."
"How long was I out?" He asked followed by me replying. "48 hours."
"2 days!?" He said shocked and disappointed. "I was supposed to hang out with you 2 days ago."
"Philip, it's okay." I said with a smile as I caress his hair to go back. "I'm hanging out with you now, right?"
"I guess." He said upset as he lay down on the ground and looked up at the ceiling.
"Philip, it's okay." Andi said, holding his hand. "We can hang out here."
"Wait here," I said. "I'll go get my zombie apocalypse III in my room."
So I quickly stood up and ran to my room to get my video game. I saw Kim reading her guardian book on her bed.
"Andi, what are you looking for?" Kimmy asked while I was throwing my stuff out of the way.
"I'm looking for my zombie apocalypse III video game." I replied, until I finally found it under my mattress.
I quickly ran to Philip's room in a hurry as I passed by Luke, who saw me running to the emergency room.
I smiled when I still saw him laying on the couch.
I had no other choice but to call Emma, I'm not good with taking care of someone, like him or anybody else. So I called Emma to help and she did.I even have no idea how this happened.
"How did he even got sick?" I asked when I'm setting up the video game while Emma was wiping the pale skin of Philip on his arms as Emma replied. "I don't know, but I might now someone who does. Or something."
So she brought in Hex to see what's Philip's sickness. As long as Hex might scan Philip's illness, I'm being really impatient about this. So I keep pacing sideways in a worry look.
And when it's finally done with the whole scanning thing, Hex showed Emma a spell that se needs to cast on Philip, so she did.
"I have no idea what's going on, but until then...
Make Philip be better, times ten."
"He just needs some rest." Emma said while Philip was unconscious.
"Thanks." I said as I walked towards Philip, but Emma pulled my hand back, stopping me. "Andi. Wait." Emma said as I faced her. "Can we please talk about what you heard between me and Luke."
"There's nothing to talk about, Em." I said followed by Emma saying. "Yes, there is. Look, I'm really sorry if I hurt you, but I'm only doing this to protect me."
"Protect me from what, Em? I can take care of myself. I don't need you to do that for me." I said upset, then Emma took a breath as she said, "like when you purposely lose the exam?"
"Emma, what's done is done. You can't bring back the past." I said followed by Emma saying, "you don't have to do that you know."
I gave that look while I took a deep breath and said, "yes I do."
I paused and continued. "If my own best friend doesn't think that I can protect her as a guardian, then I'd better not be a guardian."
Emma's eyes widen up when I said that in shock as she asked, "what do you mean 'not be?'"
I closed my eyes and take a deep breath, then look back at her and said, "this is my last year at the academy."
"But you can't."
"Emma, I can. And besides, we only have 5-6 weeks left of school." I said. "But you can't tell anybody, I will."
"Andi, if you want to be my guardian, why don't you just say so." Emma said, but Andi spoke back annoyed and impatiently, saying:
"I don't want to be your guardian, Emma! Not anymore." I said, give that look of him in an upset way, making her leave the room with that same upset look.
I wiped over my face and heard Philip waking up, so when I saw him feeling better as I called my name. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Philip, I'm glad that you're okay." I said as I stopped hugging him, then he replied. "Thank you for taking care of me, Andi."
"Sure, that's what friends do." I said and saw he looked down saying, "about that." He paused. "You're the reason why I'm alive right now, Andi. And I'm forever grateful, but I didn't come all the way here to be just friends. I love you, and I know that you love me too. You're just confused."
"Philip, I dont want to choose, not like how Emma chose between Daniel and Jax. I'm not like her." I said followed by Philip saying, "then don't be. You just have to stop proving to them that you can handle everything, while the truth is that you can't. If you keep punching yourself like this, Andi, you're gonna fall."
"What do you want me to do?" I said. "My best friend is the chosen one and the guy I liked is destined to be the guardian of my best friend that I thought I'd be her one and only guardian. So what's left for me to protect? Nothing."
"Protect yourself." Philip said. "You can't let someone like them tear you down, Andi. You gave up the first place of the exam for Luke, you have to think of yourself."
"You heard everything Emma and I talked about, didn't you?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter." Philip responded. "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you. Just call me if you need someone's shoulder to cry on."
He was about to walk away, but I called out. "Philip, wait."
So I turned to him and slowly hug him in a sweet way while I whispered to his ear. "Thank you, Philip, for everything."
"no problem, Andi. I'll
Always be here for you. And I'll always love you. Forever and always." He whispered back.  Then we both smiled.

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