Marriage Proposal

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Jax's POV:
So this is it, I guess. I'm standing outside of my dad's office. I was about to turn the doorknob open, but somehow, my hand couldn't stop shaking. I guess that I am a little bit nervous. I couldn't move either. I kept telling myself to open the door and walk in. But I couldn't move.
I'm so nervous that I can't even move myself into my dad's office and as I was about to knock, dad already opened the door before I ever could.
"Dad." I said.
"Jax?" He said in shock. "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in two years, my son."
"I need to talk to you, dad." I stated as he called off his meeting and let me in his private office, so we could talk privately to one another.
He then sat on his big chair, behind his desk as I sat in front of it and placed my bag down for a moment as I kept moving my own two hands from each other and started to get nervous.
He noticed and said, "Jax, is everything alright?"
"Dad," I said. "There's something that I need to tell you."
"Well, spill it out." He said. "I don't have all day."
He got comfortable on his seat and looked at me as I looked away and closed my eyes when I finally told him, "Emma and I are going to get married!"
He have no response as I slowly open my eyes, hoping that he's not mad at me for what I said and did as he looked down and told me as I faced him, "get out."
That's the only thing he had to say.
"But dad-"
"I said," he interrupted and yelled. "Get out!"
I had nothing else to say as I gripped my hand closed tightly and closed my eyes when I looked down and walked out of his office afterwards as I heard him sigh on my way out.

Well, that didn't go the way I'd hoped.

Unexpectedly, I heard my phone ringing as I slowly reached down my pocket to take my phone and I suddenly picked it up and answered, "hello?"
"Jax, how'd it go?"
"Jessie?" I told her and sigh when I said, "it went fine. But dad is pretty much angry."
"I told you so," she stated. "You should've kept it a secret. It's better this way."
"Well, I just can't keep lying to father for years until we grow old and die." I joked but Jessie took it seriously and said, "why not!? He won't get mad that way."
"Jessie," I said. "I need to tell him. It had to be done."
I sigh and looked down as I hang up the phone afterwards and placed it back in my back pocket, then I slowly turn my head back at my dad's closed doors and sigh when I suddenly walk away, with my head looking down on the ground and my ah d holding the one strap of me backpack on my way out of the building.

Jessie's POV:
I was hanging out with the other wits in our room as I can't be still and kept shaking my leg when I was sitting down on my bed while they were playing some childish game.
I couldn't stop worrying about Jax, until Ben and Ethan saw me worrying as Ethan asked, "Jess, you okay?"
"Of course, I am!" I panicked. "Why wouldn't I be?!"
Suddenly Ben stood up and sat next to me and said, "Jessie, we know that you're worried about Jax for some reason that you wouldn't tell us, but we all know that he can handle himself pretty well."
"Only if you knew what he's dealing with." She spoke softly that caught Ethan's attention and asked, "what did you say?"
"Uh?" She said and paused. "Nothing. It's something you guys wouldn't understand."
So I got up and out of my bed as I walked out of the room and shut the door when I saw him and said in shock, "Jax!?"
"Hey, lil' sis," he said back with a smile on his face as the door came slowly closing it, with the other wits suddenly got interested and tried to eavesdrop through the door when I asked him, "how'd it go with dad?"
I smiled.
But before he could tell me anything. I suddenly wave my magic gesture hand to cast a spell without speaking that will kick the snob out of those wits who were listening to my conversation with my older brother.
"You were saying?" I said as he got confused and asked me, "what did you just do, Jess?"
"Let's just say," I said. "That I put a stop on some eavesdroppers."
He smiled at me with his eyebrow raised up and finally told me, "well, my meeting with dad didn't work out the way I'd hope."
"What happened?" I asked and finally got serious about this big mess that we are now just in.
"Well," he said with his0 head down. "I told him about my engagement to Emma. And let me just say that he wasn't so pleased about the idea."
"What did her say?"
"He said 'get out.' That's the only thing he told me after I told him about the engagement." He responded. "He didn't even take a quickly glimpse of me when I left. He didn't even say another word after all that."
"Let me talk to him, maybe he'll listen." I said trying to support him, but instead, he interrupted me and said, "Jessie, no. This is my problem. Not yours."
I crossed my arms and looked away in an angry way, but instead, he smirks and turn my head towards him and continued, "besides, I need your help with something else."
"Help you with what, Jax?"
"This is just going to be between you and me." He stated. "Don't tell anyone. Not your friends. Not Andi, or the other guardians. Not even Emma. Got it?"
"Understood." I said with a big and excited smile. "What's the plan?"
Suddenly, he kneeled down on one knee and lean closer towards my ear and started to whisper his plan through my ears, which shocked me a lot. I can't believe that he's going to actually do this. All I can say with this plan is, 'unbelievable.' But I meant it in a good way though. As soon as he's done whispering the plan in my ear, he handed me a piece of paper through my hands that I have no idea what's it about, until I read it.

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