Missing Guardians

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Emma's POV:
I'm confused. Really confused. How can all of the guardians around here be missing. How can that be even possible.
The next thing I remember is that we were already looking around the festival for all of the guardians that went missing. And when we headed out of the magic ball game field, the festival is empty. There were no guardians around. Nothing. No one. It's all empty. Which makes me a bit worried on what's going to happen.
"Are you sure they just went to the bathroom." I said in denial to everybody.
"Look around, chosen one," Emily said. "No one's here."
"Not even ruby." Ethan said followed by Sienna and Harris saying, "or Kim."
"Well, at least Andi's at her room before all of this happened," Jessie stated, but I gave her that worried look and said, "yeah, about that..."
"She's missing too."
"What!?" Ben yelled in worry as Gracie looked around and said, "wait? Where's Luke?"
"He's missing too," I replied.
"What!?" Gracie yelled followed by Sean asking, "how?."
"He went to look for Andi when she went missing," I explained. "But he never came back."
"This is bad." Gracie said. "This is really bad."
"Don't worry," Jessie said with a positive smile and continued as he looked at me. "Emma's gonna think of something. She always does."
"Uh," I said as they all begun to look at me, waiting for me to tell them about my genius plan to find the guardians.

No one's POV:
Luke was being conscious when he was behind a bush, spying on a group of people who is dragging bodies inside a cave. Behind those bodies were sleeping guardians. He kept watching them on what they were doing. No one knew that he was there the whole time they were doing that, until He saw one of them dragging Andi's body into the cave and he stepped back when he saw Andi, but it made him stepped into a broken branch on the ground, which made a cracking sound. And when those guys heard it, they turned their faces toward that noise while their eyes turned into the color red as they marched their way towards Luke's direction. And he panicked, he quickly stepped back making him fall onto the ground, but he quickly stood back up and kept running his way out of their. And when he thought it was safe to hide behind a tree, he was wrong.
Unknowingly, a guy was behind him and hit Luke on his head, which made him unconscious and fell on the ground. Then the group of people drag Luke's body and placed him in the cave, making him sitting on the ground with his arms and ankles tied up with metal chains on the ground. And yet again, they don't know that, they placed Luke next to Andi, who is also unconscious, as she was hanging in the air with her arms tied up on the wall.

Emma's POV:
5 hours. And we still haven't found any of the guardians that went missing. We searched everywhere. The festival. The atrium. The rooms. The cafeteria. The practice field. Everywhere. Except for...
"The forest." I said to myself.
"What?" Jessie asked, then I realized something which made me tell out loud. "THE FOREST!"
"What about the forest?" Ethan asked as he kept walking outside.
"The forest is the only place we haven't checked yet." I explained then stated. "So they must be in there."
"That's crazy talk." Emily said. "How can they be in the forest?!"
"Think about it," I stated. "We checked and look for the guardians everywhere. Except the forest is the only place we didn't look."
She finally stayed quiet and we all agreed that we should go and look for them in the forest, but in our way there. The girl that told us about the guardian went missing too. And now I'm the only adult left to watch over the young wits.
So I took a deep breath and stay calm as I continue our search to find my best friend and the other guardians that went missing. So we kept going deep in the forest. And when we're almost there at the core of the forest. Ben needed to take a break, by break, I mean, he just passed out. Thank goodness, Jessie was there to catch him beige he called fall down onto the ground and take away our position. Anyway, we took a break, the wits were surrounded by tall trees and a fire in the middle of their circle, but I didn't join them, I just took a long walk away from the mess I already have when I came back from all of these.
I sigh as I look up at the stars and the moon beside it. Then I looked down on my hand when I brought out a ring from my pocket and closed my eyes then looked back at my hand as I focused on the details of the ring that has a marked inside that says:
"Emma ❤️ Jax"
I sigh and think about this ring. It's no ordinary ring actually. It's an engagement ring.

No one's POV:
Emma was focusing on the ring as she kept sighing and looking at it with that face of hers as she suddenly heard Jessie calling her:
"Emma! Emma? Emma, where are you?"
Emma then looked straight as she was about to call back to her, but she was interrupted when someone form behind her unexpectedly hit her with a shovel in his/her hands that made Emma knocked out as she fell on the ground, being unconscious. Which made her drop the ring from her hand as it landed safely in the dirty ground on the floor. So the person pulled Emma away from the wits' location, but when Jessie came running to Emma after the guy pulled her away unnoticed. She saw that Emma's not here anymore.
"Where could she be?" Jessie asked herself as she stepped forward and unknowingly, she stepped on the ring that fell from Emma's hand. She kept looking around her if Emma could be here. But still nowhere to be found. So she ran to the other wits to tell them the news.
"What!?" Ben yelled as he started to freak out. "The chosen one's missing!?"
"We're doomed," Emily said negatively followed by Gracie saying, "what are we gonna do now!?"
"Wait,"Ethan told them, then asked. "Where exactly did she went missing?"
So Jessie ran to the spot to show them where did Emma went missing. So they started to look around for clues if Emma left something behind. But still nothing they could find.
"It's been hours." Emily groaned. "There's nothing in here, Ethan."
"There must be something," Ethan said followed by Jessie saying, "we have to find her. We just gotta."
Unknowingly, Jessie once again stepped on the ring the whole time, but when she faced Emily and said what she said, Ethan heard a slight noise coming from under Jessie's shoe as he asks and pointed. "Jess, what's that?"
"What's what?" Jessie asked back as she aced at him, then he kneeled down and slowly pulled up her foot and saw a ring under it, then he slowly took it out and held it I his fingers as Jessie took it away from him and closely look at the details in it and said, "Emma ❤️ Jax" then she stated. "This ring belongs to Emma."
"Woah," they all said in shock as their eyes widen open, except for Jessie, who is being confused on their reaction as she asks, "what? What's so shocking?"
"Jessie, that's an engagement ring." Gracie said followed Emily saying, "which means she's going to get married with your brother, Jessie."
"Congrats, Jess," Ethan said with a smile as he gave her a friendly punch on her shoulder as they all kept talking about that ring at the same time, which annoys her a lot. So she gave them hand gesture when she told them. "Okay, that's enough. Emma didn't tell me anything okay. Which means it's not true."
"Jessie," Gracie as they all smirked at her. "That's an engagement ring."
"Have you even seen an engagement ring?" Emily said being all sassy as Jessie spoke back. "No, my mother doesn't wear one. But I know that Emma wouldn't keep this kind of secret from me."
"Oh, come on, Jessie," Emily said. "She might've hasn't told him her answer yet."
"That's very unlikely," Jessie said to herself as she looked away from them hoping that they didn't hear what she said. But hey did hear it unclearly as Gracie asked, "what did you say?"
"Nothing." Jessie said out loud as she continued saying to keep them quiet. "Can we just focused on finding the guardians and he chosen one?!"
Then Jessie stormed out while she grabbed the ring away from them, but she soon stops when the ring started glowing in her hand, so she opened her palm and the ring started floating into him air as it started moving forward.
"Where is it going?" Ethan asked followed by Jessie saying as she smiled. "I don't know. But I'm pretty sure I know where it's going."
Jessie then walked away and they all followed her as she was following the ring, that's moving towards a specific location.

"But where is it exactly going?"

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