Chapter 15

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Scott woke up first,like always. He was a bit disoriented at first but soon remembers last night and smiled up at his best friend. The blond sat up and stretched causing Alex to stir groaning when he realised he was awake. He opened his eyes but shut them soon after not able to adjust to the light yet.

"Morning" Alex groaned.

"Good morning! How are you?" Scott asked like he had been awake for hours.

"Tired but I'll be awake soon, what time is it anyway?" He berried his head further in the pillow.

"It's 7:36am" Scott informed.

"On a Saturday?!! Fuck that I'm going back to sleep"

"You said a bad word and it's no point going to sleep now."

"I'm sorry. Can we cuddle for 5 minutes before breakfast?" He finally opened his eyes and opened his arms for Scott. The blond agreed and fell back into Alex's arms.

"I like sharing a bed with you. Do you think my mom will let us share a bed forever?"Scott asked.

"Maybe if you ask nicely. I like sharing a bed with you too." Alex turned Scotts head so he was facing him and kiss him 1..2..3..4. He pull away.

"No! That was only 4 seconds! I thought we said surprise kisses were 5 seconds long, if you gonna change you have to tell me." Scott sat up and crossed his arms in sadness and a little bit of anger.

"Scott it's okay I just pulled away a little too early, I'm sleepy and I forgot to count, okay? I'm sorry" Alex sat up too and rubbed the blonds back.

"It's fine" Scott said, not fully convincing Alex.

"Maybe we shouldn't count anymore"

"What?why? It was fine! Why do we have to change it?" Scott said turning to look at Alex before turning away when the eye contact got to much.

"Because I'm gonna keep forgetting and your gonna get upset and I don't want you upset." Alex said.

"B-but how will I know when to stop?" Scott panicked.

"I can tap you on the arm when I'm gonna pull away." The brunette suggested.

"Okay b-but.."

"Scott stop over thinking everything, it's fine." Alex leant forward and kissed Scott tapping his arm before he pulled back. "Was that okay?" Alex smiled at Scotts smile.

"I don't have to worry about counting now. Your lips are soft" Alex chuckled.

"Yours too Scotty. Let's go get ready and have breakfast!"

"Scott, you know the rules no chewing with your mouth open" Connie warned.

"Sorry mom" Scott apologised once he finished what was in his mouth.

"What do you boys want to do today?"

"I was wondering if I could take Scott out ma'am" Alex asked shyly.

"Like a date?" Connie smiled.

"Yes ma'am" Alex blushed. "Um Scott wanna go out to lunch with me; on a date?"

Scott nodded with a month full of food making Connie and Alex chuckle.

The A Boy (Scolex) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon