Chapter 5

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Scott made it to class giving Mr Daniels the note and taking a seat. He turned Carrie Underwood on because she was Alex's favorite and thinking about Alex made him less scared and nervous. He took one headphone out so he could hear what the teacher was saying. The work was pretty simple he had finished what was ask of him to do so was now just bobbing his head along to a Carrie playlist Alex had made him.

"Sir, how does he get to listen to music?" a tall brunette said in the back pointing at Scott.

"He doesn't." He held his hand out for Scott to give him his headphones. Scott froze he didn't know what to do or say. He shock his head slightly. If Alex head been there he would have had it under control explain that the headphones helped him and he was allowed to have them if there weren't distracting other children. But Alex wasn't there so Scott just sat in shock as the Teacher asked for the fourth time for his headphones.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Mr Olusola asked as he approached his desk. It was the second year Alex had had him as a teacher. He really helped him with his dyslexia, and he was always there to talk too.

"Just worried about Scott. We have never really been in different classes before, and he's the one moving up so he's gonna have all knew teachers and I'm just worried he's won't be okay. And I know he's smart and I was holding him back I just wish I didn't have this stupid dyslexia so I could be at the same level as him. " Alex ranted.

"You're right Scott is a smart boy. He needs to not rely on you all the time and you shouldn't rely on him too. It might be a bit bumpy at the beginning but it will all work out. Now,I'm always here for you to talk to but I was asking are you okay with the work I set." He chuckled.

"Yes sir, thank you" Alex smiled as he bowed his head and carried on with writing about himself. Mr Olusola always set this at the beginning and middle of the year to see what improvements were made and what the class need help with. Alex page on himself mostly consisted of him talking about Scott. He truly loved Scott, as a best friend and maybe something more. He's was still coming to terms with his sexuality. He wasn't even sure Scott like boys either. He didn't talk about girls or relationship for that matter. Alex always hoped they would be together forever but recently he started doubting that as people were trying to split them apart.

"Mr Olusola, Mr Koop would like to have Alexander Kirk"

"What's wrong" Alex jumped up.

"Something about Scott.." Alex only need to here his name before he was sprinting down the hall to her office. Alex couldn't help the smile that spread across his face to know Scott needed him but it quickly vanished as he burst into the office seeing a teary eyed Scott with his hands over his ears.

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