Chapter 10

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The day went by quiet quickly for Alex, they did the usual: went to the mall with their moms, listened to music and just hung. They really enjoyed each other's company and their moms were both friends too so they didn't mind spending time at the mall together.

Alex went home with Scott and Connie as he did every Saturday. It was 7pm and the boys were in Scotts play room/ guest bedroom. They were listening to music and talking about Carrie Underwood and Beyoncé but Alex couldn't help but notice Scott glancing at the clock every 5 minutes.

"Somewhere you need to be?" Alex joked.

"It's 7:19 where would I go?" Scott asked confused.

"You just keep looking at the clock is all"

"Oh well I'm waiting for bedtime" Scott said with a slight blush.

"Why? It's not till 9pm!" Alex stated.

"I'm waiting for the goodnight kiss" Scott explained making Alex chuckle and shake his head at Scotts sweetness. "What?"

"Can I hug you?"

"Of course" Alex moved from where he was sitting at one end of the bed to wrap his arms around his best friend and boyfriend?

"Are we boyfriends?" Alex asked to make sure he could call him that.

"That's the term people use for being in a relationship right?"

"Yeah" Alex said still with his arms around Scott. "You know you don't have to wait till bedtime to kiss me"

"Really?" Scott asked.

"Yeah you just need to ask, I like kissing you."

"How long will day kisses be?" Alex pulled away so he could look at Scotts face.

"Are we really going to count all our kisses?"

"How else would we do it?"

"Just pull away when it feels right to I guess?"

"But what if I pull away too soon or don't ever pull away!"

"That's not a problem with me" Alex chuckled. "How about 5 seconds but if I want longer I will ask you?"

"Okay" Scott closed his eyes waiting. The kiss was over and Scott smiled.

"Can you kiss me?"

"What do you mean I just did?" Scott asked confused.

"No I kissed you, you just sat there and looked pretty. Can you kiss me?"

"Um I don't think I can" Scott said playing with his hands.

"Why not? Just press you lips to mine it will be fine." This time Alex closed his eyes and waited for Scott to lean in. He waited awhile and was going to open his eyes again to make sure Scott was still there, when he felt the blonds lips on his. The 5 seconds were up but just  as Scott was moving away he quickly pecked his lips. "I love you"

Scott blushed. "Um I-I.." Scott started but was interrupted by Alex. 

"You don't have to say it yet. I'll wait" Scott smiled.

Before they knew it they were back in school and it was the middle of the week. Much to Alex's surprise Scott hadn't told the whole School they were together and had only told Kirstie and Avi. They were their friends they had known since middle school and Scott was comfortable around them.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Kirstie asked at lunch, making Alex groan but Scott smile.

"Yeah we kissed ..." Scott paused to count. "Nine times"

"Wow someone's been busy Avi jokes earning a kick to his leg from Alex under the table.

"We have music next Scott!" Kirstie said excitedly.

"Oh I forgot to mention Scott! I dropped music for art I hope you don't mind but I thought you would be okay because you got Avi and Kirstie and the teacher knows you. I'm sorry for just telling you but I decided last week and they told me today that I could move. You know music is something your gifted in and I like art so...I'm sorry" Alex ranted.

"It's fine I know you only took music because of me, and I like your art." Alex smiled, he was glad that everything worked out and Scott was comfortable to go to lessons without him now.

A/N- I suck at ending chapters.

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