Chapter 4

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*high school*
"Scotty!" The brunette yelled running to Scott. He hugged the blond as tight as he could.

"Allie, stop" Scott said. He wasn't a big hugger but didn't mind it that much especially from his best friend.

"I missed you" Alex said withdrawing his arms from around Scott.

"I missed you too." Half way through the summer their mothers had decided that the boys needed some space from each other taking their sons on vacation away from each other. They were 15 and still inseparable.

"Worst summer of my life." Alex stated.

"I listened to so much music. Come on we have 6 minutes to get to class" Scott said pulling Alex along.

"No, Scott! We have class this way!" Alex said pulling Scott in the other direction.

"No Alex I doubled checked this morning it's definitely this way. We have English with Mr. Daniels."

"What!? No we have English with Mr. Olusola." Alex took out his planner showing Scott his timetable.

"That can't be right I checked...wait no!" Scott shouted as he saw his planner. They had both been right. One of them had obviously been giving the wrong timetable.

"We should go see Mrs Koop, she will sort it out." Alex said.

"We are going to be late on the first day" Scott said as they walked to the office

"Hello, what can I help you with boys?" Mrs koop's calming voice said.

"Well we normally have every class together but there seems to be a mix up because we are not in the same English." Alex explained well Scott stood quietly.

"Well I thought someone would had informed you boys but we moved Scott to a higher English class." She said calmly.

"What?!" Both boys said.

"Well your last year teacher thought that the work was too easy for Scott so they decided to move you up. And with Alex's dyslexia they thought it was best you stayed where you are."

"But you don't understand we have every class together." Alex argued.

"Well I'm sorry but from now on you don't have English Math and science together."

"B-But.." Scott was breaking. Since they met they were alway in the same class. They helped each other. They were a team. Scott would help Alex with spelling and Alex would talk for him when he wasn't comfortable talking. Alex was there when he was afraid of the giggling in the back of the class when he stuttered or recited something nobody "normal" would know.

"Scott it's going to be okay. It's only three classes we don't have together."

"Nonono. I'm so stupid! I was going to bring them but I didn't think I would need them and now I do and I don't have them." Alex could see Scotts eye full with tears and tried to think fast of what he was so upset about before his best friend started to cry.

"Headphones! You forgot your headphones!" Alex threw his bag off his shoulder as he rummaged through trying to find the spare pair he always kept for emergencies like this.

"Here you go" he said as he handed over the headphones. "It's going to be okay, just ask to see Mrs Koop if you really need to get out."

Scott connected the headphones to his phone and placed them in his ears. He took a deep breath and accepted a small hug from Alex until they left the office and made their ways to class with a note from Mrs Koop to explain why they were late.

The A Boy (Scolex) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora