Chapter 8

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After dinner the boys went back up to Alex's room and decided to play card games.

"I think I'm gay" Alex said out of nowhere, he really just needed to say it out loud. "No, I know I'm gay" as he said it out loud to Scott it didn't feel as scary as he thought it was gonna be.

"Gay like happy?" Scott was confused.

"No I like boys not girls" Alex stated.

"But what about Kirstie? You like her" Scott was more confused.

"I mean romantically Scott"

"Oh" Scott bowed his head, he didn't know what to say. "How do you know?"

"Because I love this boy" Alex said.


"Yeah" Alex nodded.

"How do you know it's love?" Scott asked.

"Um I never thought about that before. I guess you just know. He makes me smile a lot and he's so cute. I wanna be with him forever."

"Oh" Scott was even more confused because he just described how he felt for Alex. "How do you know your not just really close friends?"

"I don't know. People kiss when their in relationships"

"Maybe you should kiss him" Scott said innocently.

"But I don't know if he would like it"

"My mom says that you don't know you don't like something if you haven't tried it yet"

"I think that was to get you to eat your vegetables Scott" Alex laughed. "Scott?"

"Yeah?" Scott looked back up at Alex making eye contact which didn't happen all that often. Alex didn't hold back and quickly learnt forward and pressed his lips against Scotts, before pulling away even faster as Scott pushed on his chest.

"I'm sorry" Alex said as he couldn't meet Scotts eyes Scott started to put 2 and 2. Together.

"You were talking about me? You love me?" Scott asked shocked.

"Yeah but don't worry you don't have to love me back you probably hated the kiss."

"I didn't hate it! I just wasn't expecting it is all." Scott blushed.

"Oh so you liked it?" Alex asked with a shy smile.

"Maybe I would have liked it more if I knew it was going to happen"

"Can I kiss you again?" Alex asked

"Um let me think" Alex waited as Scott though. He often did take his time thinking probably writing a mental pros and cons list. "How long will it last?"

"Feel free to pull away anytime you want"

"But what if I forget to. I think you should say how long." Scott pressed.

"How about 5 seconds?"

"Okay" Scott closed his eye and waited for Alex to press his lips against his. Once he did he counted to 5 in his head before pulling away.

"So? How was it?" Alex asked calmly but inside he was freaking out because he just kissed Scott twice in one day and his lips were so soft that he never wanted to stop.

"I think it will be like holding your hand, I'll get used to it" Scott said going back to the card game.

"You wanna do it again?" Alex asked shocked.

"Right now?"

"No I mean in the future"

"Oh. Yeah why not, does this mean we are in a relationship ship because we both liked the kiss?"

"Only if you want to be" Alex assured.

"When do we tell our moms?" Scott asked.

"You wanna tell them?"

"Of course! I tell my mom everything" Scott said.

"But my mom doesn't know I like boys yet"Alex panicked.

"What's the problem?" Scotts asked confused.

"Oh um well some people don't agree with same sex relationships"

"But my mom said she will love me no matter who I end up with when I'm older" Alex chuckled.

"It sounds like she knew you were gay before you did"

"So we tell them in the morning?" Scott asked dismissing Alex's comment.

"Sure, Scott?" Alex asked.


"Can I kiss you goodnight?"

"Yeah, how long will goodnight kisses be?"

"How long do you want it to be?"

"10 seconds is too long but 5 seconds is too short for a goodnight."

"How about 7 seconds?" Alex questioned.

"Okay" again Scott closed his eye and waited for Alex to press his lips to his. He counted then pulled away when 7 seconds was up.

Scott got up and put the cards back in Alex's draw before taking his stuff into the guest bedroom to sleep.

"Goodnight Scotty"

"Goodnight Allie"

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